I like this indie game critic, he has a recommendation video for sale
Celeste is 75% off and is a near-masterpiece of a game.
Portal 1 and Portal 2 are on sale again of course on the chance you haven’t yet hit these absolutely classic legendary games.
Persona 4 Golden is 40% off and is awesome, and Persona 5 Royal is 60% and is even more awesome.
Metal: Hellsinger is 70% off and while it isn’t a GOTY type game, it’s a hell of a lot of fun if you’re a contemporary metal music fan.
but my biggest recommendation is probably gonna be
Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale at 80% for only $3.99 (US) which is an completely underrated hidden gem of a game and a huge recommendation for anyone who likes quirky cozy-hybrid games or who, like me, spent way too long on the shopkeeper segments in RPGs like Torneko Taloon’s chapter in DQIV.
edit: why in the world would anyone ever downvote a personal recommendation comment? Weird behavior, fam
I dont know if I can recommend them yet, but I picked up Enter the Gungeon, Heavy Rain, Undertale, Doom, and Pillars of Eternity.
We picked up Journey and Star Traders Frontier. I’ve wanted to play Journey since it came out but I didn’t have the proper console. Well, I forgot I put it on the wishlist, and that’s a real good price so.
I’ve (sung? musically yelled at?) another person already.
Mass Effect legendary edition (all 3 games + all DLCs) is on for 6 Euro.
That’s a great deal IMO
On the third game myself, I can’t believe I didn’t play these sooner. I understand the hype this series generated now.
Elite Is a space flight economics simulator.
Fly around buy here sell there look at stuff for fun and get into battles
Great game but you will want a hotas set up if you really get into it
I keep trying to get into Elite but it never clicks for me. I was flying around earlier trying to dock into a station but everyone was refusing me so I closed the game. I’ll probably look up a new players guide before giving it another attempt later.
Was it Elite Dangerous? Stations grant docking clearance if you’re within range when you request it; I think it’s about 7500 meters. Check out the in-game the tutorials. One of them teaches this.
Unfortunately it was due to being “friends only.” Player fleet I guess? I just couldn’t figure out how to filter them out before I got there and kept coming across them.
That range one caught me out once but I figured that one out since it tells you to come closer. I’m going to take that tutorial suggestion though. Cheers!
Ah… Yes, it was most likely a fleet carrier, then. Those are owned by players, and not always open to the public.
“Hands On Throttle And Stick;” i.e. flight sim gear
Noita is currently 60% off and is hands down the best game I have ever played (kind of). It is ridiculously brutal and you will die very often but you have the potential to get ludicrously powerful as well. The game will cheese you so don’t be afraid to cheese it back. In has so much content that beating the final boss for the first time is considered beating the tutorial.
Also if the some aspects are too bullshit for you there is a variety of mods to fix these, and there is absolutely no shame in using them.
Solasta Crown of the Magister for $8.99.
For me it’s the best game ever to capture the D&D feeling. The custom Warlock subclass, Timekeeper, is ridiculously fun.
I don’t see it mentioned elsewhere - but if we’re going down the CRPG route and enjoying it I’d recommend to others Divinity Original Sin 1&2.
I’d also recommend Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. But it’s age might scare some people away – so I typically don’t lead with that.
If you are the simmy type or like space, Elite Dangerous is insanely good, but has a learning curve up front. It’s the only game I’ve put over 1,100 hours in and still haven’t explored everything.
Subnautica is another game I can highly recommend.
If you wanna play games with friends (Elite is also MP), The Forest is a great game to bond over.
Black mesa is another banger.
How does Elite Dangerous compared to starfield? I’m 20 hours into starfield but finding it quite fun.
I have 1000 hours in Elite and it’s nowhere near as on rails or limited. It’s set in a full scale Milky Way where you can pick up missions from a station’s bulletin board, hunt pirates, or just pick a direction and jump to make discoveries, spending months alone scanning systems. The game has well developed lore that regularly updates through an in game feed, but it’s mostly background fluff unless you want to strengthen your faction or if there’s a major community event. It’s also a good time to jump in since new ships have been added and the galaxy is rebuilding after the last war event.
Different genres. Starfield is mostly you running around on foot, having shootouts, and interacting with people and human-sized environments. The space combat is basically an elaborate mini-game.
Elite Dangerous is mostly about flying space ships around.
Personally, I liked Starfield, though I think that it’s weaker than most prior Bethesda offerings. I stopped playing Elite Dangerous, though I have enjoyed some past space-combat-and-trading games, like Escape Velocity. Just never really hooked me. I didn’t like the Elite Dangerous “faux online multiplayer” thing at all — multiplayer breaking immersion in crafted environments is one thing that I’m not a fan of, and unnecessarily adding that just seemed obnoxious to me. The cockpit UI felt like it was more-oriented towards VR use to me, which may be good if you have a VR headset.
It may make you happy to know that ED has solo mode. Player fleet carriers are still around (as they act as psuedo stations out past the edge of developed space) and the markets are still effected by player actions, but you don’t have to worry about Cmdr Immersion Breaker screaming by in his hot pink jankmobile, or ganking you with it.
It’s also worth noting that compared to the size of the universe in ED, the amount of “crafted” environments is relatively small (but definitely there). The universe is so big that depending on where you are in it, you can also go long periods without encountering other players. It’s a simulation before any sort of RPG.
Just a reminder that while we all love Steam, they run an underage gambling ring in the form of CS skins, which they refuse to address.
The entire Creeper World series is on sale- Creeper World 1 and 2 are $2.49, Creeper World 3 is $4.94, and Creeper World 4 is $9.99. Personally, I don’t like Creeper World 2 so I would suggest any of them but that one. CW2 is side on and I’m not a fan. CW1 and 3 are top down, and CW4 is properly 3D.
The first couple of Creeper World games used to be flash games you could play in browser, but after the age of Java games they ported them to Steam and kept making more and better games.
The basic concept is that it’s a cross between a very simplified RTS and a tower defense game, with the added curveball that the enemy is just a liquid that won’t stop showing up everywhere.
Are these like a Minecraft game?
Not even vaguely!
Like I said, it’s a RTS/Tower defense.
Very much no.
They’re more like those pixel physics sandboxes combined with a real-time strategy game. The enemy faction is a simulated liquid.
He also recently released IXE which is a bit like 2, but with mobile units instead.
Yep. I wish I liked the side-on games. I’m not sure what it is about them exactly that doesn’t click like the rest.
Doom 2016 for 2$, Titanfall 2 for 3$ and battlefield games from BF3 through BF1 also go for 2$
I’ve never played any BF games. Do they have good single player campaigns?
BF3’s campaign was average. It had an interesting story and had some memorable parts but other than that it felt short and generic.
BF4’s is worse though. It was just as short and generic as BF3’s in terms of gameplay, but so was the story and the general presentation this time around. Not to mention that it’s really damn buggy, the bugs that were present during the game’s launch were never patched for the campaign. For instance, the FOV slider doesn’t work at all.
I haven’t played any of the other camaigns so I can’t proprerly judge them.
Not since Bad Company 2 like 15 years ago
Battlefield Hardline’s campaign was actually good, though. It felt like a cop movie, which I thought was a neat change for the series.
BFBC2 was the best BF I’ve ever played. I wish I would have known that at the time.
Looks like that was removed from Steam a while back. It had a single player campaign from what I read.
Outer Wilds is on sale. Great game if you like space, puzzles or platforming!
I’ve still never beaten it. I’m near the end I’m pretty sure. Great game.
My personal greatest game of all time. Do go on blind tho.
Absolutely, what i would give to play again with no knowledge
No Man’s Sky is down to $23.99. I remember the launch was poor but they kept working on it and improving it. I picked it up a couple years ago on Xbox and have enjoyed it
It is way more of an enjoyable experience now than it was on launch. I just still find it sort of flawed on a core level. The exploration is clearly supposed to be a primary focus of the game, but I just find it incredibly bland after a bit. After I finished with that, I don’t really know what to do with the game aside from… keep flying around trying to find something worth finding.
I put 40hrs into it. I don’t regret that, but I also have zero interest in continuing to play it past that.
NMS was such a mixed bag for me. I spent over a hundred hours on it yet still walked away wondering what there was to do in the game.
Undertale is at a new all time love at $0.99. It’s not really my jam but it’s the time to pick it up if you always wanted to play it but never did.
I think I missed the window on Undertale. Who knows, if I played it when I was 17 I might have a different opinion but the whole “I’m so quirky and random” schtick doesn’t really land with me.
The inability to resize the Undertale window without using a third-party program like Sizer continues to be INFURIATING to me.
Undertale is a good game, but it just makes me so goddamn angry every time I open it to not have control over the sizing on my own goddamn monitor that I haven’t been able to finish it.
Sounds like they should have called it Underscale
I’ll see myself out
It’s not really my jam
I watched someone’s entire playthrough of it on YouTube, which I find to be a decent middle ground. In fact, someone else I know doesn’t even game any more and just watches playthroughs; better to see an expert do it with insightful or fun commentary than to get frustrated from not knowing what to do, etc. when we have such limited time in our lives anyway. Maybe that’s why I generally prioritize roguelites nowadays; if I’m gonna play something, I wanna ensure it’s a unique challenge that possibly not even the devs have ever exactly seen, and not simply be treated like a rat in a fixed maze to figure out precisely or struggle otherwise when other people have done it.
Anyway, I digress; Infested Planet is $1.94 USD for another recommendation, and it’s awesome. The trailer undersells it if anything.
Never heard of it and I can swing $1.94 – thanks.