Could anyone explain to my why some people are trying so incredible hard to turn lemmy/kbin into Reddit 2.0?

Reddit wasn’t exactly great before this migration wave, it hasn’t been an interesting place in quite some time and I sincerely doubt it will get better in the future.

In my opinion most content on there is pretty much trash in a variety of flavors. That and doomscrolling. Sure there is niche subs and I get that losing them to might suck, but everyone managed before we had those and everyone will manage now. There is always the option to remake them somewhere else when Reddit decides to kill them, be it by removing modding tools, drowning the content in ads or what ever malicious shit might happen.

In most cases a massive number of users has been detrimental to the quality of subs. I don’t really see the benefit trying to get as many people to switch as possible. In fact I think there is an argument to be made for smaller communities.

There is also a tendency to argue that people shouldn’t use Reddit. People also drink till they black out and shouldn’t do that either. Or drive their cars over the speed limit. Or pronounce “gif” with a “j”. Why not let everyone do what they want, why does this have to be a binary choice or a choice at all?

Maybe a few people just feel like this is some kind of battle that has to be won. It isn’t. Reddit will try to make as much money as possible at any cost, it is how most companies operate in capitalistim. You don’t have to like it. As a matter of fact I’d respect you more if you didn’t. But it is nothing you will fix by trying to “convert” people to Lemmy like you are a Jehovah’s Witness of discussion platforms.

Or maybe you are mad at spez. Good, he is an ass. Maybe other people will realize that and take it as a reason to use Reddit less or not at all. Maybe they won’t. You don’t exactly have agency when it comes to their decision.

So what exactly is it that is driving you? Do people have friends over there they want to bring over here? Do you miss the endless meme subs and can’t survive without them?

I clearly don’t get it and would very much appreciate some comments, so I might be able to understand your motivation better.

    1 year ago

    personally I just want communities full of stuff that I like and that I’m interested in. as long as it’s comfy and I’m getting some good chats, news, and content, I don’t really care if it’s “like reddit” or not.

      1 year ago


      I think a large contingent were addicted to reddit, including the toxic parts, because they can’t recall how good reddit was early on.

      Its like getting dumped by a girlfriend; you want it all back, even the shitty parts.

      1 year ago

      I agree. I came here to find a new place but it seems like many Reddit refugees want to make Lemmy a clone. Hopefully it will all smooth out with time because I have no interest in looking back.

        1 year ago

        People aren’t literally being kicked out of Reddit, Reddit still exists. So I suspect that the refugees you’re seeing aren’t actually wanting a Reddit clone, since they can still have the real thing if they really want that. They just want certain Reddit features.

        And I see nothing wrong with that. Reddit as a whole may have become crappy over the years, but that doesn’t mean the right reaction is to reject every possible detail of how it worked. There are some good bits. Reddit has threaded conversations, should Lemmy remove those just because Reddit has them? Copy the good bits.

    1 year ago

    Reddit wasn’t exactly great before this migration wave, it hasn’t been an interesting place in quite some time and I sincerely doubt it will get better in the future.

    In my opinion most content on there is pretty much trash in a variety of flavors. That and doomscrolling.

    This is so much negativity just within the first paragraphs–and much of it presented as objective fact to boot–that I don’t think you’re going to get as much engagement as you hope from people who are actually enthusiastic about this transition.

    How about you try to be the change you want to see? This kind of thing is what I want to leave behind. We can just have a chat without a full page of “everything about this entire opinion seems so stupid but CMV I guess lol” as the premise.

    • catboss@feddit.deOP
      1 year ago

      This is so much negativity just within the first paragraphs–and being presented as objective fact to boot

      It is my personal opinion. As stated. Personal opinions are - by their nature - not facts and generally not worth much.

      My opinion of Reddit has declined a lot over the years. That is absolutely valid and okay. Nobody has to like it.

      I assume your opinion about the service is different and that’s why you feel the need to defend it. That’s also valid and I can acknowledge it, even if I don’t share these feelings.

      Regardless of my negative opinion on Reddit and their management, I’d appreciate if other people could share what they think. I really don’t get why a good number of people push for mass adoption of lemmy/kbin. If I am too negative for their taste and they don’t feel like sharing, then that’s fine too. It would be nice to hear their viewpoints, but replying to my question is not mandatory.

        1 year ago

        I think they want to push for it, and I’m also encouraging people to give it a try because it’s not as good without the members. Most of the subs I miss are too niche so they won’t really be populated here if not enough people try this fediverse thing out. I already decided I was okay with giving up the subs, but I think I still want to do my best to try to build this as a platform if it’s viable. I don’t think just because people are trying to advertise fediverse means they’re hardcore stuck on this as a platform and desperate. It’s kind of just the natural thing to do for anyone who wants to transition to a large forum. There’s a lot of other small forums too besides this one

        • catboss@feddit.deOP
          1 year ago

          From my point of view nobody is being stopped from using Reddit. That would be a silly undertaking anyway.

          If niche communities are on Reddit and the people of those communities are on Reddit, then why shouldn’t you use Reddit for those communities?

          I don’t get why this is has to be a decision between Lemmy/kbin and Reddit for some folks. That is what is confusing me a lot. Many posts and topics I read recently seemed (at times desperately) trying to bring users from Reddit to lemmy/kbin. Reddit will get worse, going by the current trend. It will become harder to use for many. Some subs will die due to the lack of moderation tools. But everybody is free to use the service for as long as they want to.

          But I am glad you don’t share my opinion in regards to whether or not people seem desperate or set on these services here. Maybe I have been imagining things.

            1 year ago

            I do think you are overreacting a little bit about people being potentially invested in the fediverse/invested in trying to find a different home to replace reddit. It’s not a bad thing for people to care and be unhappy about the way their reddit forum is being run. Without any emotions at all, there can be no actions or changes done anyway. How would people have transitioned from diggs to reddit if some core users weren’t upset enough to test the waters with reddit?

            People want to avoid and use reddit less because they don’t approve of the way the company is running their product. If you don’t feel uncomfortable using reddit, that’s great, and you absolutely should just use either/both the way you enjoy it. However, it seems like your argument is that no one should be unhappy to the extent they stop using reddit, and I feel like everyone can have products they don’t want to buy anymore due to their internal ethics. It’s just a human thing to do to.

    1 year ago

    Many people liked Reddit but didn’t like the way they were treated, so now they’re looking to reclaim what they feel they’ve lost. It’s not complicated.

    1 year ago

    The parts of Reddit I frequented I enjoyed and want that same sort of content somewhere more open. I don’t care about your opinions on what I like nor anyone else’s.

    1 year ago

    Both Lemmy and kbin are reddit-like link aggregators. They are to a extend straight copies of what reddit is now, or what reddit was in the past.
    In the same way that Mastodon is without any doubt made to be like twitter.

    It is only natural that people who liked aspects of reddit would want to see the same aspects here. That does not mean that we need to copy everything, we now have the chance to do things reddit did not.

    1 year ago

    Based on what you wrote, it doesn’t look like you used reddit for too long. Most of the more interesting things on reddit are very niche (hobbyists), very personal (old askreddit, helpful supportive communities for minorities, big comment threads about global events, etc.), or very regional specific (food, culture, belief, etc.) There are quite a lot of people still use small subs on reddit exactly for those reasons, finding very technical or obscure knowledge is only possible thanks for small communities. That is what many wish to replicate here.

    I do not get what you even mean by saying niche subs will survive as they did before. No, there are a lot of sub drama and not all sub survive drama, and this time reddit itself is trying strip contents and agency out of the users and mods. What do you even mean saying it won’t effect small subs?

    If you just doom scroll lookking at meme pics and comments you aren’t really experiencing much other than dopamine content. Just because you do not engage in smaller communities doesn’t mean that these changes aren’t affecting those people.