Just hoping someone here can give me info on the pin out of the power lead so I can buy a replacement. I contacted 3dSystems, and they sent me the EoL package along with the code to unlock the printer. The EoL package has not been helpful for the power supply issue, and weeks of combing the web and forums has come up with nothing. So I’m hoping someone here can help me out.

Thanks for any help you lovely folk can come up with!

  • morbidcactus@lemmy.ca
    27 days ago

    Oh that’s annoying, that looks like a din connector so no guarantee that a similar rated supply would have the same pinout, did find this Teardown of one but nothing about the supply from a quick glance unfortunately, I’d totally consider going at it with a multimeter and seeing if you can figure it out that way, looks like it should only have 24v and ground pins to worry about.

    • Sturgist@lemmy.caOP
      27 days ago

      So I found a somewhat reputable dealer that carries one specifically for the Cube 1, and I asked 3dSystems if they could say if the power supply is the same through the whole series. All I got was radio silence. They put the EoL package together and wiped their hands of the whole thing apparently…

      I have considered stripping it down and chasing traces…I just don’t have loads and loads of free time. If I can’t get any info in the next month or so I’ll do that.