I’m sure they do, however, as with 90%+ of most EULA’s contents, that wouldn’t stand up as legally binding in a fair number of countries.
Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.
I’m sure they do, however, as with 90%+ of most EULA’s contents, that wouldn’t stand up as legally binding in a fair number of countries.
As Russ notes, this is the second strike from Nintendo on his channel. The first, it’s worth pointing out, was related to his coverage of a device which allows you to dump Switch games to your computer
[My emphasis]
It should be noted, the only way to legally play an emulated game is to dump the files off a cart/cd/floppy/w.e that you personally own. Which makes this even more egregious, as the video is about a device that could be used for piracy, but is also one of the only ways to legally make a backup of your property.
It wasn’t an active war anymore, and Atari isn’t Atari anymore. Idk about Intellivision, but I’m sure they’ve changed hands loads and diluted their brand too. Nothing burger “war” tastes of nothing
Pffffffffffff…believe it when people start reporting not being fucked and fleeced
I’ve been telling everyone I know to sign, even those without any interest in video games, as stronger consumer protections are always good 👍
That’d be Broccula…or maybe bunnicula
Well, no, but it’s paid for by your monthly fee.
I mean…I just play the old one with the HD texture pack. 10000% better than anything they’ll try to pump out, guaranteed. Also, kotor 1 is free right now if you have Prime.
Same as every Molyneux game.
Fuck, I totally forgot about that dingus.
Just started playing Starsector. My rig isn’t some obnoxious beast…but like Starsector doesn’t even have a recommended cpu. You only need like 1gb of ram and a gfx card from over a decade ago.
When I torrent skidrow cracked games I usually don’t even download the NFO
It was hard for me to get into GTAO, because the first week I tried to play, I got sniped as soon as I spawned in from the intro mission.
Is there a UK equivalent?
In an effort to make the user experience even shittier? Or maybe one of the suits saw their kid with a custom linux desktop and was like: we need to get these kids off that linux crap, and clearly the floating task bar is the clincher! *does a giant rip of cocain *
Bok bok