Sorta, you have to install your certificate authority into the browser and it might complain about verifying that but it will still connect with the encryption.
Sorta, you have to install your certificate authority into the browser and it might complain about verifying that but it will still connect with the encryption.
I live with family and have an extra network, but I’m not sure exactly what can leak out of my own and onto theirs. It could be just my paranoia here, but I noticed at night when I am alone in the living room chatting with my AI over my network, the new smart TV has a mechanical relay when it switches from standby to mains power. I never watch TV or connect to the same network as the TV, however the relay was clicking every 15-20 minutes when I was chatting over http. It doesn’t do that when I am on Lemmy or other stuff. So I tried setting up the certs and the TV never clicks. It did click if I used words with the cats or watched Piped video. Now I intentionally speak gibberish to the cats, mostly use headphones, and never hear that relay clicking any more.
Anyways, in my half ass quest to eventually self host some stuff, in abstraction, I only want a setup where I manually transfer my keys and everything is always encrypted between devices with those keys. I never want the functionality of login, key transfers, or anything like that. My phone has a key, my computer has a key, and my server has a key. Breaking one of those keys is the only way into that connection, and those keys are made and shared offline over hardware connections in person. If I was really serious, I would also use the TPM chips for even more secure keys that cannot be accessed even within each device’s OS for the private key.
I think this methodology is less well documented in easy to find searches and sources because it ostracises cloud services as the oddity. Most guides and info assumes you do not have physical access to all devices so you must transfer keys over a public network or assumes you will want to connect from random extra sources or devices. This is what opens you up to other people also connecting. If everything is encrypted with certificates and no one else has those certificates, problem solved, your password is your certificate… As far as I understand it.
I mean more like a self signed TLS certificate with your own host manually set in the browser. Then only make the TLS port available, or something like that. If you have access to both(all) devices, you should be able to fully encrypt by bruit force and without registering the certificate with anyone. That is what I do with AI at home.
I’ve half ass thought about this but never have tried to actually self host. If you have access to all devices, why not just use your own self signed certificates to encrypt everything and require the certificate for all connections? Then there is never a way to log in or connect right? The only reason for any authentication is to make it possible to use any connection to dial into your server. So is that a bug or a feature. Maybe I’m missing something fundamental in this abstract concept that someone will tell me?
pics pufflord
Oh yeah? Well I made peanuts in a bike shop but the Felt AR was my free demo bike. It just happened to be the one I was on. I swapped out my rides a good bit. The deep carbon rims were at one point some very high end wheels that I was given when I left my first bike shop job. I’ve rebuilt them with new spokes several times and new hubs once. I still have some odds and ends parts on there from race team spares when I was supporting an internationally competitive pro race team. The rest are mostly my personal spares. When I did eBay I was given a lot of stuff like spares and nice pedals and accessories because I listed bikes without any extras, exactly like they were new. I told people they could keep the stuff but most just gave it away. That is where my pedals are from. I mostly worked with really high end stuff for consignments that are too expensive to easily sell elsewhere, and where a couple hundred bucks in extras is nothing to the person. It is funny the duality of working with people like that but then being a poor miser IRL. I couldn’t have gotten the bikes I have ridden except through working as a bike shop monkey. The nice stuff often lasts so much longer especially here where I am around a lot of salty air and water.
Very nice. That was a cool style. I liked the Bianchi’s that came in a similar nickel finish, but didn’t carry them for very long due to credit terms and never got the chance to get one while working in shops
Sorry about the stress cracks, there is not much you can do about that one. 40 miles on a BMX bike is nuts. I carried the Felt stuff in one store in a chain, but have never gotten into BMX. I am 99% roadie and 1% enduro downhill as a vacation in the mountains with a ski lift ride to the top. I really wanted to try velodrome racing as that is what I am built for in body type, but never got the chance. I can do alright in a flat crit too. I did 33 miles each way to work for almost 2 years. And lead out the group ride on Saturdays, riding to the shop and home. Most of those rides were between 35 to 60 miles depending on the hills. I also did a dozen or so crit races back then too. I don’t think I had a single week under 400 miles back around 2010-2011. That is when I lost the bulk of my 350 lbs from 2009.
Best advice I can give is to setup watches for listings on eBay and look for local swap meets. These are the primary channels for liquidating inventory in shops and stuff. In the very unlikely chance you are in Southern California, the San Diego velodrome swap meet is like THE place for real deals and stuff. I used it regularly with shops for overburden in the past, and sold 136k on eBay after my big crash.
White list firewall
So… worse
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I’m five years in your future but I can’t tell you about it
I don’t take or look at pictures of myself. I’ve never felt value in that. I can often recall moments vaguely if I look at even my oldest pictures. I’m intuitively connected but not emotionally. I don’t have much nostalgic emotion.
I learned on FreeCAD and find it super intuitive now. There were frustrations at first, but I learned proper design with a thorough understanding of the TNI in all CAD as a result. Whatever a person starts on becomes a dependency especially with proprietary where user dependency is part of the design.
I have trouble with Blender because of the hotkey memorization required, but I can put down FreeCAD for months and return with no decay in skills. You’re welcome to disagree. That is just my experience.
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I expect Nvidia to boom for at least another 5 years.
The opposite of authoritarianism is anarchism.
But anarchism is the opposite of all governance while authoritarianism is a subset.
That is what my intuition was looking for but not finding. I wasn’t thinking about the ban and implications. This makes much more sense.
Personally, I do not regret buying a Prusa MK3 even though it was more than I initially wanted to spend. I do not tinker with it, and I own it for life with no proprietary products or software required. I don’t really care about upgrading it further. I have another little project printer I tinkered with a bunch, a Kingroon KP3S I got to test out klipper and decide if I wanted to build a Voron. I decided against because I can do enough with the MK3. I only have a little trouble with large ABS prints that have wall thickness variation constraints above the first couple of centimeters, and I can design around this with modularity.
If you have not tried or checked out FreeCAD, maybe do so. There are some challenges, but especially after the recent move to version 1.0, it is really nice to use. Fusion is just a long term subscription baiting scheme like bambu. I was around for Autodesk acquiring Eagle for EDA design, and vowed to never trust them with a bait scam again.
With my Prusa MK3, the software and printer just works. Joe has made concerning posts about anti open source sentiments and has started selling a new proprietary printer. So do your due diligence. If real ownership matters to you.
1.) they have several cheap printers and only one or two ever work.
2.) They are renting a bambu and likely shilling it.
3.) They passively mention using their Prusa or you see it in the background occasionally.
Seriously, I was not interested in Prusa’s at first, but I followed people long enough before pulling the trigger that this pattern became obvious to me. It is far more expensive to have several printer projects for just one or two that work. With hardware garbage like mobile devices, all of your buying options are proprietary junk you cannot own. There is not a single device sold with a fully documented SOC/processor and modem chip, so your only choice is to rent a device and be manipulated. With 3d printing, the entire hobby is built on open source and therefore full end user autonomy and ownership. You have a choice of neo feudalism in a world where you do not have self deterministic autonomy by supporting proprietary products, but it is the exception to the standards of this community. The real open source community is generally located around Voron and similar projects with LDO selling supporting kits in much the same way that Prusa did originally with RepRap.
In the 21st century, it is smartest to look into the software you want to run and make purchases based on the hardware that these projects support best. If you use git to clone a repo on GitLab or elsewhere, you can use a package called gource to create a graphical representation of the project commits over time. This makes it easy to see where people are actively developing the software. You will likely also notice who the key developers are and what hardware they likely own based on where they make tweaks over time. Buying similar hardware will make for the best experience in my opinion.
Note: These are my opinions and only my personal opinions. I am not a mod in this capacity. I do my best to separate my opinion and bias from any mod actions. All are welcome to their own opinions, disagreement, and ethics, so long as they follow the Hippocratic aphorism ‘first do no harm.’
Not unless an http port is open too. If the only port is https, you have to have the certificate. Like with my AI stuff it acts like the host is down if I try to connect with http. You have to have the certificate to decrypt anything at all from the host.