Sad to learn that half of my fellow Europeans have penile size issues
I don’t even have a driver’s license… it’s because my cock is so massive I can only safely transport it on high speed rail.
Similar circumstances. No driver’s license because my cock is so massive that I have to transport it in front of me in a cargo bike.
I have a license and a car, therefore I have an average penis, but it’s a station wagon, which means I’m good at oral sex
You’re supposed to be better than that, Europe😒
That is horrible news :( Bikes FTW!
Is that just me or do these kinds of news erode anyone else’s desire to see humanity survive the climate disaster? Maybe we just don’t deserve to survive.
Oh no. What a waste of power and space. For leaving it roughly 21 hours on average in one spot.
That’s disappointing news from Europe. However, the pictured VW and Tesla Model Y may technically be SUVs but they are nothing like the giant SUVs that we see in the US.