• Ex-Reddit Account (nuked): u/justlookingfordragon

  • My youtube channel (mostly BotW and TotK content)

  • Trade List for Pokémon SwoSh

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • f I created a community, would I become it’s (lone) moderator automatically?

    Yes. But you can also immediatly appoint new mods and/or un-mod yourself if there are other mods present, so it is easy to give a community away when there are other interested users. It’s not a permanent thing.

    What consequences, requirements and things would I need to keep in mind as a moderator?

    Your community needs to be compatible wih the Fediverse Code of Conduct … but that boils down to “don’t be a dick and don’t post illegal stuff” which is pretty much just common sense. It’s not exactly hard to follow those rules ;)

    Apart from that, you can set whatever rules you want. But keep in mind that the Fediverse is still a lot smaller than reddit, so if you are TOO niche / narrow / strict with the rules, you’ll have a hard time finding people who want to engage with your community. General, broad-themed communities with easy-to-follow rules have a bigger chance to thrive.

    … and a personal little tip: don’t slam down the ban hammer at every opportunity. As a mod you are able to ban, silence, remove or otherwise “punish” people for bad behaviour, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do that. It’s a lot better to give users the benefit of the doubt, explain instead of punish (as they might not be aware that they did something bad in the first place), and give them a reasonable chance to fix their mistakes on their own before taking action. Post removal, bans and the like should be reserved solely for when the user in question is unwilling to cooperate OR did something obviously super shitty (like threatening other users, using slurs, posting illegal stuff etc.)

    Is it advisable to copy-paste content from Reddit to kickstart new communities (given that the link source to the original content was added as well when making new posts)?

    Well … as a last resort, yes. Original content or stuff from non-reddit sources is always preferable as it gives users of the Fediverse an incentive to visit communities here instead of going to reddit, but copypasted content is still better than no content at all, so if you can’t find interesting / worthwile stuff elsewhere, then copypasting from reddit is okay-ish too.

    OC is still way better tho.

  • Bathroom products. In fact, they’re currently located between the TP/paper towel section and the liquid soap dispensers & refill bags.

    Granted, they DO look like white chocolate or something similar, but the product placement, package and the fact that it did not taste like food should have been rather obvious hints to maybe check the package again instead of driving all the way back to the store to yell at the employees. At least he had the decency to be embarrassed about it instead of starting the usual “you lost a customer, I’ll never shop here again” shouting match, which is a big plus.

    PS: he got a refund, but only because he was polite as soon as he realized his mistake. Normally, any sort of hygiene product is excluded from refunds, especially when it has bite marks.

  • I work in customer service. I wouldn’t say that 90% of ALL people are stupid, but an astounding number of the people I have to deal with have … unique ways of thinking, so to speak.

    The most recent example was an olderly man who was absolutely furious because a box of candy he bought for his wife “tasted absolutely disgusting”. We’re talking about something similar to this but I won’t link our actual product as I don’t feel comfortable sharing that information.

    Either way, those are friggin’ bath bombs. It says so on the effing package. Just because they’re labeled “vegan” doesn’t mean that they’re edible FFS!

  • The heart doesn’t care where the adrenaline comes from - the strain on the organ will be the same either way. Anything that makes your pulse and/or blood pressure go up can pose a risk, independendly from whether or not it is “just a game”.

    …but like others have said already: better ask an actual doctor for advice on how to handle the situation. Maybe “small doeses” will be okay, or you can get a way to monitor your vitals and take a break before you get too worked up, but an actual medical professional should decide that in the end.

  • created various identical communities on various instances…most of which went on to gain no traffic whatsoever

    I just want to add here that users can adopt abandoned communities to give them a second chance. So if, in your example, the mods of !nerves@lemmy.world would rage quit and just squat on the name out of spite / indifference, then someone interested in cleaning up the mess can go to !support@lemmy.world and request to adopt the community. The admins can then decide to either directly transfer mod rights to the new user, or purge the community so another one can reopen it again, so there is technically no need to create additional communities in such a case.

    In case of a direct transfer, no posts or comments get deleted either, so you won’t lose content that you would otherwise have to repost or crosspost to the “new default community”. ;)

  • There are only seven very specific cases which can trigger a PBM, most of which the player has no control over (audio and texture loading issues). All listed in the guide.

    The guy who wrote that guide is still on reddit (u/leoetlino to be precise) and has had the same discussions for years in r/breath_of_the_wild ^^° I’ve even argued with him myself back in the day when I didn’t know better, but since he’s a dataminer who reverse-engineered most of the game code, I’m now inclined to believe that he knows what he’s talking about.

    However, I don’t blame anyone for not knowing better, since there are just way too many flat-out wrong but “real looking” guides claiming to know how the gameplay mechanic works, so it is ridiculously easy to fall for false info (I did, too). Heck, even the “Complete Official Guide” claims that the regular Blood Moon happens every seven days and can be forced to happen via skipping time at a campfire, which is super easy to disprove but still widely belived to be true, because how can a book with THAT title be wrong, right?

    (Still, walking into a wall is worthless either way, lol … but it WAS a theory once, regularily posted as a tip/trick for the Mija Rokee Shrine on reddit and gamefaqs, and parrotted by IGN who still haven’t updated their guide even 7 years later and probably never will)

  • “You just turned 100 today - what’s your secret to a long life?” - No matter what the answer will be, I guarantee you that there are millions of people in the world who do the exact same and still die young. But yeah, of course aunt Margharet only managed to live an entire century because she ate three cans of surströmming every week, no doubt. Genetics, healthcare and lifestyle have nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.

    Edit/addendum: Weird specific example

    Something similar was also my no.1 pet peeve on reddit whenever people argued about how the Blood Moon works in Breath of the Wild. It’s an in-game timer of roughly 3 hours, but the game does not tell you about it, nor does it display the timer, and back when the game code wasn’t cracked yet, there were a LOT of outrageously weird theories about how to allegedly make the Blood Moon appear.

    So you just “made” a BM happen by running straight into a wall for 3 hours? Yes you got a BM, but not “because” you were running into a wall for 3 hours, but because the effing timer was up. The game does not care for WHAT you do in that time.

    So you reloaded and ran into a wall again and the BM happened again? It is STILL not because you ran into a wall - you rewinded the effing timer by reloading a save file from before the event you’re trying to trigger, and then the timer was up again. (They never bothered to check whether it would happen if they did not try to trigger it with their chosen tactic)

    It is really really hard to try and convince these people that they’re wrong, because once they’re convinced that a specific action yields a specific result, they WILL keep doing it over and over again until it “works” and then see it as proof. But by the same logic you can also throw tomatoes at a wall until it starts to rain and then claim that the rain happened because you just threw 547 tomatoes against a wall. And then you continue to throw tomatoes because it “worked” last time … and if it doesn’t rain then you just didn’t throw enough tomatoes yet.

  • In addition to what others have said already;

    • Results are rewarded. If you do something right in-game, you usually get something like “good job!” or an immediate positive rating, useful items etc. as a direct reward. That way you immediatly feel like you accomplished something good. In the real world, you do the task, check out and go home - no positive feedback, no feel of accomplishment. You just completed a menial task, that’s all.

    • Virtual customers are easier. If you do your virtual job right, they will be happy and nice. In the real world, you can do everything right and still get yelled at for the most bullshit reasons (I work in customer service so I might be biased a bit here) which makes it hard to maintain a positive attitude. In games, you usually don’t have to deal with someone trying to return clearly worn underwear for a refund and then throwing a loud, childish hissy fit when you tell them that you can’t do that.

    • Games ususally don’t randomly throw unexpected setbacks at you at the most inconvenient times. They’re predictable, easier and overall more structured. Someone mentioned Truck Simulator in the comments, for example - I haven’t played that game but I highly doubt that it features 3 hour long traffic jams while your virtual avatar desperately needs to pee, the sudden appearance of an angry hornet or giant spider inside the driver’s cabin, flat tyres, naked methheads trying to climb your truck or your virtual boss calling you ingame to yell at you for something that is out of your control.

    • Games ususally omitt the nasty parts and enhance the pleasing parts. Example: the curry cooking minigame in Pokémon SwoSh - you select ingredients, throw them into the pot, stir it for a while and your 'mons will be happy to get a nice meal. What you do NOT have to do: chopping and cleaning the ingredients, sorting out rotten food, cleaning the pots and pans, picking up Pokémon poop after they’re done digesting what they ate, getting IRL back pain from having to carry 427 cans of cream around at all times, setting up and maintaining the fire, disposing of garbage like packaging material or fishbones. You never have any picky eaters refusing to even taste the curry, you never have any ingredients go bad, your utensils will never break and you didn’t have to buy them in the first place as they magically just appeared in your inventory the moment you unlocked the ability to cook curry. and what you cooked always, always looks aesthetically pleasing unless you deliberately fuck up real hard, whereas even the most delicious tasting curry in the real world can look like slop, which just doesn’t feel the same. It is kinda easier to feel satisfied with a virtual steaming hot plate of pretty food.

  • I have to question if people are not reporting or if the report thing is just broken

    That should be easy to test tho. Just ask someone you trust to report a random post in the community and see what happens - but maybe tell the other mods in the community first so they, too, know that it is just a test and not a real report.

    Fair warning tho: at least DM’ing from one instance to another does not seem to work properly at the moment and it might be the same for reports, so it is possible that reports from users on the same instance as you go though, while others never reach the mods.

    PS: If you need someone to conduct a test for you, I’d be willing to do it ;)

  • As far as I can tell:

    • age <16: “Oh boy, I can’t wait to be an adult and do whatever I want!”

    • age 16-19: “Look at me! I’m an adult! I’m the adultiest adult that ever adulted!! I reject all that is childish and embrace all that is totally-grown-up! Middle ground is for losers! I need everyone to know how ADULT I am and approve of it!!

    • around 20-ish: “…fuck. I’m an adult. I have responsibilities. I have to do taxes. Why does everything cost money?”

    • 25+: “I have legit no idea what being an adult is supposed to be like, but I’ll figure it out one day … I hope. Also my back hurts and I have a favorite spoon and lost the lid of 2/3 of my tupperware.”

    • 45+: “I’m an adult. I can do whatever TF I want. Ohh you want to convince me that videogames and cartoons are “too childish” for someone my age? Go ahead and sue me, lol.”


    I’m nearing that last stage and I honestly care less and less about what being an adult is supposed to be like. The world is already a shitty enough place without ruining your own fun on arbitrary grounds like stuff being “too childish for your age” or the pressure to have found your purpose in life by a random age. I stopped trying to find “my calling” or a bigger meaning in life and just enjoy the ride instead. Not everyone is predestined to achieve some groundbreaking milestone in history. Maybe my purpose in life has always been to be that weird funny uncle that cracks insufferable puns at the worst times but actually listens to problems of loved ones, no matter how trivial they may seem. Maybe just winging it without actually knowing what the end result will be … is perfectly fine. It is okay to not know everything. It is okay to have silly little hobbies. It is okay to be a bit awkward. And it is okay to feel a bit lost sometimes. Adults are just old children with a driving permit.

    Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.