Just a guy on the internet, totally a human and not an alien, if that’s what you were wondering.
Dry goods that don’t need to be prepared. Things like crackers and beef jerky are reliable choices.
I was curious if they were made of titanium, but it looks like they’re just stainless steel
For research purposes, where would someone find a tool like this?
Depending on the area you might have limited dispensary options, the big cities in Oregon have tons of dispensaries but smaller towns usually have like 1 or none. I’d recommend going shopping in one of the cities so you have more variety to choose from.
Also I’d recommend buying a cheap silicone bong. They’re indestructible so you won’t have to be so careful with them or go through any heartbreak if a drop occurs; perfect for just focusing on the smoking and fun parts of your trip.
It almost feels like extortion to me. Don’t wanna pay for youtube? Fine, you get ads. All. The. Time.
Be confident and know your worth. Don’t accept the job without getting explicit details on the salary. Surprisingly often, jobs will try to hire people before ever actually showing them, on paper, what they are willing to pay. Or worse, they might lowball you in the interview when the job posting was for a higher wage. Don’t get exploited by a company just because they make the first offer to hire you, there are more opportunities than this one.
I was hoping to see a format that people can easily follow and just fill in the blanks, but I suppose this is the gist of it: Describe the main purpose of the photo succinctly rather than each and every individual thing you can see.