WYSK: There funded by dark money PACS, but some good reporting has brought out these names: David Koch, Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman, Mark Cuban, Harlan Crow, and Michael Bloomberg. Some of there members are most famous for stopping big bills. Joe Leiberman, for example, single handedly stopped the single payer portion of the ACA. Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsen Simena kept the John Lewis voting rights act from passing, and famously kept the senate from repealing the filibuster.

  • Otome-chan@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    See here. Obviously informal, obviously people expressing “as a joke” or just trolling. These polls bias towards right wing followers. But still revealing nonetheless. In my circles I’m seeing both far left and far right move towards populist “centrist” rhetoric and labeling. Andrew Yang’s Forward Party being emblematic of that (who I just found out support No Labels).

    We also saw things like Jimmy Dore go onto Tucker Carlson’s show, both Dore and Carlson expressing discontent with the Biden/Trump matchup, and both being pushed out from more establishment MSM/DNC/GOP stuff.

    To me it looks pretty clear that many people are eager for drastic change, in a way that would clearly benefit and help the average person; with severe opposition to the establishment talking points and organizations. We also recently saw this with the covid stuff, both far left and far right joining to express skepticism over the mainstream establishment narrative.

    People are very clearly upset with the way DC politics are going. Biden is historically unpopular with everyone except his core base and progressives. Trump is pretty universally disliked except among the right (who are growing discontent with him).

    When I say a Biden election will lead to the collapse of America I say this mainly because I see the way things will go in the next few years if Biden gets reelected. The automation crisis will worsen, wealth inequality will worsen, progressive extremism will worsen, geopolitical conflict will worsen, the border crisis will worsen. And when push comes to shove it’s obvious to most people that biden will side with the larger wef/un agendas.

    America is starting to reach around 250 years, which is historically shown to be the point of collapse for empires. The establishment organizations are planning for a big 2030 political event, and I’m sure already have an entire plan for 2028 election. I imagine growing discontent with a biden or trump second term will roll in nicely to people flocking to the candidate picked for 2028 who will almost certainly be addressing automation crisis and geopolitics.

    Most people are aware biden and trump are awful, and do not like them. Most people already do not vote. and those who do vote feel “stuck” with biden/trump. Many are saying things like “I don’t like biden, but I vote for him because I don’t like Trump” and vice versa.

    Strong action is needed, but not the kind that Biden is doing.