• WatDabney@sopuli.xyz
    20 days ago

    And yet more blithering insanity from this timeline, as the billionaire troll manipulates the system to get his ludicrous lawsuit heard by a brazenly compromised judge.

    The US legal and political system no longer even pretends to serve the people - it’s overtly just a tool to further the grotesquely destructive and wholly undeserved privilege of a few obscenely wealthy psychopaths.

    And the people just stand idly by and watch it happen.

    Future students of history (if there are any) are going to wonder how it was that the US could go so self-destructively insane - how people could actually let things get so warped and twisted. And you know… as an American living through it, I couldn’t tell them. I don’t even understand it myself.

    The people who are driving it are really very few. While there are certainly a great many people with no power and no control and thus no ability to alter the blatantly destructive path this country is on, there are many millions of people who could make a difference, but somehow they just… don’t. It’s like it doesn’t even register. They just get up in the morning, read about the latest bit of brazen corruption and insanity from the psychopathic plutocrats and their authoritarian cronies, yawn and go about their day, as if corruption and lies and insanity are just to be expected.

    How is that even possible?

    I genuinely don’t know.