if you haven’t introduced yourself already, please feel free to do so

  • hazel 🤷🏻‍♀️🏳️‍🌈@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I apologize for the list of labels but I’m an atheist, autistic, agoraphobic, asexual, epileptic, trans, homeschooled-until-college 28-year-old cat lady.

    If you met me you’d think I’m a relatively normal person though!

    I’m a theatre kid working as a data analyst in local government healthcare.

    I’m trying to learn Unreal Engine 5 but I’m struggling to keep going even though it’s a lifelong dream. Though I’ve made good and rewarding progress and I took all next week off to let myself hyperfocus without getting fired.

    The Wall by Pink Floyd is my favorite album ever, and the first piece of art to make me sob. Every. Damn. Time.

  • TMoney@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m a redneck from Appalachia that has been beaten down by the negativity in the world and from the hostility in anonymous online communities. It’s crazy how hostile people can get when they don’t think they’ll get in trouble. Really loving how friendly everyone seems to be on here and I hope the good environment helps me become less antagonistic personally. Remember the human!

    What’s keeping me busy right now is working on my land cruiser and getting it into offroading shape. I love the gym and squats specifically. I made it to 435lbs before I got old and decided to take a chill pill. Playing Days Gone the game on my PS5.

  • Maerman@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hi, I’m four babies in a trenchcoat. My interests include grown-up things like businessing and adulting. I am definitely an adult. Ignore the first sentence.

  • Foidi | she/her @beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hi, my name is Alicja or Layla. I am trans girl. I am really interested in almost anything technology related, and I am also interested in science, mathematics, foss and bunch more. I am currently studying to get mechatronics degree.

  • BobQuasit@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hi! I’m not just a Reddit refugee, but an everything refugee. Or at least, that’s how it feels. I’ve been online since the mid-80s, and I’ve seen platform after platform be acquired and burnt down under me. I’m pretty much used to it by this point.

    That doesn’t mean I like it.

    I’m an old-time geek. Huge bibliophile, particularly fond of old science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, children’s books, YA, classics, and humor. Oh, add graphic novels and manga to the list. I’m also a long time tabletop RPG player and GM. My system of choice is the Avalon Hill edition of RuneQuest 3; my RQ site might be the oldest one still existing. Of course I play other systems as well. I’m into deep role-playing, and would definitely like to find people who are interested in that sort of thing!

    My primary activity over on Reddit was recommending books. I have a resource of nearly a thousand book recommendations that I have created over the years. Hoping to be able to make recommendations on Lemmy, too.

    What else? I’m a pretty good public speaker, and was an invited program participant (i. e. panelist) at a regional New England science fiction convention for over 25 years. I’m an atheist, but I advocate tolerance and understanding between atheists and theists (and yes, I’ve done panels on that topic too; they were great).

    I was a redhead when I had hair, with a redheaded son. I’m the single divorced father of a newly-adult son. I’m currently unattached. Oh, and I’m apparently demisexual.

    I live in Massachusetts, USA. I like cats, cooking, walking, and well-written TV and movies. I’ve been refining my grilling techniques for about 35 years now, on a lifelong quest to make the perfect burger.

  • thumbtack@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    hey all! i’m thumbtack, been here a couple of weeks and believe id like to stay after being a redditor for ~6 years. i’m interested in spirituality, creative works (sewing, drawing, etc.), world building, and alternative rock music. looking forward to being part of the community!

  • Azure@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hoy~ I’m not really a refugee from anywhere in particular, I’ve been slowly squeezed out of social spaced for a few years now. I love people, but it’s hard to want to participate when you get shouted down. Hopefully I’ve found a nice place here with y’all, it definitely feels inviting!

    I have a lot of labels that can be of various levels of usefulness, but I think if those closest were to to be asked about me “kind” is the first word that would come to mind. I took the “do unto others” thing really seriously, even if I ditched the rest.

    I’m queer as the day is long and I partially communicate in memes. Most of my time not gaming, I casually work on my dream game in my head. Just a classic nerd from the 90s.

  • toshmonaut@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m yet another reddit refugee. Just wanted everyone to know that there’s a combination emoji for a bee wearing a cowboy hat:

    🤠 Beehaw brother

        • alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgOPM
          1 year ago

          i’ll DM you an invite to it; we just dropped it from the sidebar for now because we’re already a little thin with attention and don’t have discord mods yet who can specifically keep an eye on it.

        • Gil (he/they)@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          We have a Discord but it’s private for the time being, I’m sure it will return to the front page sidebar as soon as things settle more with the instance itself.

  • Faye_Pixie@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Came here from Reddit! Just hoping to talk to other people about my interests, idk how much I’ll post though lol.

  • ZenGrammy@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hi all! I’m another Reddit refugee I guess. I just couldn’t abide by their policies any longer so I deleted my 13 years of comments and my account and here I am.

    I’m “just” a boring suburban housewife with an awesome dog and progressive political views these days, but I used to work in medical billing and I’ve raised two boys and two stepkids who are still in my life even though I left their dad many years ago. Five years ago my body decided to rebel against me and make me have a stroke. I am largely healed from that but it took away my active hobbies and I’m technically disabled due to chronic pain and some memory issues.

    I have Huntington’s Disease. I’m pre-symptomatic right now. I inherited it from my mother, who is currently living at a nursing home. I’d be stoked to find people who could relate to the whole genetic disorder thing. It’s a heavy burden sometimes.

    I’ve been active on forums on and off since the late 90’s. I used to be a mod back when that was a new thing. I enjoy cooking and solitude and playing The Sims. I have a wonderful husband who also loves solitude, and we enjoy our solitude in the same house but different rooms most of the time.

    I keep in touch with my friends and family through digital means for the most part because I can’t drive. I meditate and loosely follow the Buddhist principles of letting go of negative emotions when possible and appreciating what is around me. I am a work in progress.

  • Wulfinna@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hard to figure where to start. Been on just about every platform here and there with little special use for any of them. I have very bittersweet feelings about the Internet overall, relating mostly to what happens with information available to us. I’m not too filled in on the scope of the reddit drama, but I do really like the fediverse and always support efforts to have more autonomous means of social networking. Anyways, more about me: I’m almost four years into HRT and trying to keep a footing in writing. (I have four short poetry books and a sporadic blog under my belt so far.) So much is going on over the existence of people like me that it puts me in depressive stupors disabling me from finding the words for the feels. But I’m carrying on as best as a girl can. I’m almost always making notes for projects, so that’s something. Primary interests of mine are history, literature, free/open source technology, anarchist theory, pagan spirituality and pantheons, cannabis as a medicinal treatment (and politics relating to its complete legalization), horticulture, hiking, ecology and armed self-defense. I play a few PC games like the Half-Life series, The Elder Scrolls series, different shooters and RPGs, but I’m not as much of a massive gamer as my partner is. I mostly listen to crust punk / d-beat / grindcore / mincecore, very much identifying with that section of punk culture, but like most people I also listen to just about everything. Joy Division, Interpol, Killing Joke, Fields Of Nephilim, Sisters Of Mercy, She Past Away, In This Moment, Pixies, REM, Gillian Welch and Kossoy Sisters just to name some from my spotify. All that said, I hope this finds everyone well and that you all have an outstanding day :)

  • OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hi, I’m Omni. Older cis het white dude. Likes math. Not as dipshitty as the previous two sentences imply, I hope.

    In a previous life, I wrote a moderately successful indie game. Currently, working part time in R&D for a small nuclear engineering company, and spending the rest of my time in independent study. Currently working on group theory.

  • NoraReed@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hi, I’m Nora! I’m a queer jeweler and I make funny bots sometimes. I am into tabletop games, leftism, colors, dragons, etc.

  • Thrillhouse@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m a Reddit refugee who met my future husband on Reddit 13 years ago. It feels weird to be leaving.

  • while1malloc0@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hey all, I heard about Lemmy from Mastodon and thought I’d give it a shot. I was never much of a reddit user besides occasional lurking, mostly because the quality of discussions seemed pretty hit or miss. BeeHaw seems a lot nicer though, so I thought I’d give it a shot.

    I use he/him/his pronouns. If privilege was a game of bingo, my particular demographics would likely be the free space. I try to acknowledge that and use it for good.

    By day I’m a staff software engineer at a relatively large tech company (which means I write more docs than code most of the time), and by night I’m a cooking enthusiast, musician, sci fi novel fan, and exhausted parent of a toddler.