It’s not a weird myth, have you ever worked with average users? Some of them have trouble opening a PDF or don’t know how to import a CVS file in Excel. Power users have always been tinkering in their OS that’s nothing new, but I’m talking about the average Joe.
People you described don’t have better or worse time with different types of user interfaces, it’s all incomprehensible to them. Average Joe with zero skills can’t check boxes in some weird menus, just as they can’t write text in a weird black box. We’re talking about people who are at least a little curious about their OS.
It’s not a weird myth, have you ever worked with average users? Some of them have trouble opening a PDF or don’t know how to import a CVS file in Excel. Power users have always been tinkering in their OS that’s nothing new, but I’m talking about the average Joe.
People you described don’t have better or worse time with different types of user interfaces, it’s all incomprehensible to them. Average Joe with zero skills can’t check boxes in some weird menus, just as they can’t write text in a weird black box. We’re talking about people who are at least a little curious about their OS.