It looks like I’ve injured myself in a way that will not heal. This is partially due to age, and partially due to my own overconfidence and refusing to accept that I’m not a teenager anymore. Long story short, I used to be able to ride long distances on my bicycle, and now I can’t do that anymore.
I had big plans to go on long bicycle tours and basically live off my bike for weeks at a time. With this new limitation, it’s very unlikely that I will ever be able to do that. I was just getting started on the pathway to fulfilling a lifelong dream, and now I’m faced with this hard reality; I will never get to do what I’ve wanted to do since I was a child.
People age. We can’t help that, but we can help getting old. I feel like I let myself get old. I feel like I fucked up, because I did. The injury was easily avoidable, and was totally my fault. Now I’m blaming myself.
I can still ride my bike, just not very far. I’ve spent the past year trying to push through this new limitation, and now I’m seeing that’s not going to happen.
I know I’ll eventually find a bright side to this. Maybe it’ll cause me to have some experience I wouldn’t have had otherwise? Maybe I’ll figure out a compromise of some kind?
I’ve been fortunate enough to have been healthy my whole life, so this is all new for me. I suppose I should have expected it eventually, but now here it is, and I’m not ready.
I’d like to hear about how others have learned to accept a sudden limitation in their life.
Skating used to be whole life, my right leg has been held together by a metal rod for the last 7 years now.
Like you, it was caused by an avoidable miskate that was my own fault. I can still get on skates (though that took about 3 years) and I’m limited to doing that for about half an hour and can’t move fluidly.
For me the solution wasn’t to do everything I could to continue doing the thing I loved, but rather to let it go. These days I ride (small, quiet) motorbikes, walk my dogs, and have recently taken up archery.
Had I not broken my leg there’s a diversity of experiences I’d have missed out on, because I was enraptured with The Thing. There’s more to the world than one single hobby!
If you have close friends and family, do try and talk through how you’re feeling with them, and think about seeing a therapist - these sorts of limitations are hard to adapt to for everyone!
I wish you good luck in whatever sort of adventures you have next :-)