I definitely see your point, and I had to think about why I found the Skyrim tutorial so much less memorable. And I think, to me, it’s that it’s the tutorial, so you just know that the dragon isn’t going to kill you. Similarly, you know that the prison guards and assassins in Oblivion won’t kill you, but you don’t know that about the emperor. And unlike the dudes that ride with you on the carriage during the opening scene of Skyrim, I’ve got at least the faintest connection to Oblivion’s emperor dude. Like, I really couldn’t have cared less when it was said that Ulfrik, the rebel leader, was on the carriage, too. I don’t know anything about the rebellion, so if the guy would’ve been executed right then and there, I just couldn’t have cared.
I definitely see your point, and I had to think about why I found the Skyrim tutorial so much less memorable. And I think, to me, it’s that it’s the tutorial, so you just know that the dragon isn’t going to kill you. Similarly, you know that the prison guards and assassins in Oblivion won’t kill you, but you don’t know that about the emperor. And unlike the dudes that ride with you on the carriage during the opening scene of Skyrim, I’ve got at least the faintest connection to Oblivion’s emperor dude. Like, I really couldn’t have cared less when it was said that Ulfrik, the rebel leader, was on the carriage, too. I don’t know anything about the rebellion, so if the guy would’ve been executed right then and there, I just couldn’t have cared.