Just one uncomfortably sentient and angry automobile on a road trip through the fetaverse.

Profile pic credit: openclipart.org - user roland81 https://openclipart.org/detail/150787/comic-red-angry-car

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Hope you find something that works! I do enjoy that Joplin is not paywalled in anyway, and is still super robust, private, and local first. I personally hop around between several note taking apps based on my needs so finding apps that are local md first is high priority for me so that if I move to another app all of my notes can move with me.

    Joplin stores notes in a database rather than directly as Markdown, but they can easily be exported as Markdown which I guess is the next best thing.

  • I have a fairly old iPhone and I never have much of an issue with speed, so maybe?

    My main issues with Logseq on mobile is that a) there’s no plug-in support which makes my workflow much more difficult and b) I find the UI as just a copy of the desktop UI without many mobile-specific features usable but not super intuitive. If I need to jot down a quick note or TODO on the go I don’t think it’s best. I keep the app mainly to reference longer notes on the go.

  • I kind of love note taking apps so I can rundown a few:

    • Logseq (FOSS, can technically run in a browser but it’s very limited and literally called “demo”)
    • Obsidian (not FOSS but local md first, very mature and a huge community)
    • Joplin (FOSS and probably general go-to for cross-platform open source notes in general but is a bit of a memory hog)
    • StandardNotes (you already described this one)
    • notesnook (very new offering probably most similar to SN but I don’t know)
    • AnyType (also very new and striving for more of a Notion-like experience but I think still needs time to mature)

    I use Logseq most often, although I prefer Joplin on mobile. Obsidian and Logseq are more “personal knowledge management” and may be overkill for simple note-taking, plus I feel they are a little bloated on mobile. Honestly not sure which ones work in a browser, but I agree that’s a feature I’d like more of. All of these though I believe are cross-platform so should be usable on mobile or desktop.

  • Wasn’t self-hosting but trying it out with their server for awhile. I think the idea is great, and I think one of its big UI advantages is it’s a lot more intuitive on mobile than most other personal knowledge management / note takers I’ve used.

    I did find it pretty buggy at times and a lot of the features not built out enough yet to be a daily driver for any particular use case of mine yet. I’ve tucked away into my “cool projects to check up on at a later date” mental drawer.

  • This blog and the Wikipedia are good starting points. I don’t speak Japanese, but I do speak Chinese and have a background in linguistics so am peripherally aware of what’s going on so take that with as much salt as you need.

    It’s useful to note that there were multiple attempts to go the “Oops! All kana” route or use romaji, but for a variety of reasons cultural, political, and linguistic, those didn’t pan out. Writing systems are deeply informed by a specific historical and social context, and what at first seems like irregularity or unneeded complexity, are often actually the traces of that history marked on the language.

    As for issues like why katakana is used for non-foreign words too, I thinks it’s best to think of language feature less as strict rule followers and more like a species in its ecological niche. Katakana is very good at rendering foreign words in Japanese, but if it finds some unfilled gap that isn’t being better filled by some other feature people will use it to to fill that gap too. When the semicolon was developed in English no one imagined at the time we’d use it to do this ;-) but here we are.

  • I’ve been loving RSS for awhile now not only because it’s private but because it seems to be unpaywalled as well? Maybe someone can answer this, but how is it I can subscribe to the NYT RSS feed and can get completely free articles to my reader?

    PS shoutout to NetNewsWire on iOS which is open source and the developer seems like a great guy. It’s not great for discovery as you have to paste in the web url manually, but if you already know what you want to read it’s a great RSS reader app.