Blade runner failed me again.
Blade runner failed me again.
I’m not spending a ton of time thinking of this but this is a video… and I thought of this compression piece. Would the veins have remained in the same place on the arm throughout a five minute video?
Greatest format ever. I present you with the Demi-God of memes award for best use of THEY LIVE if you originated the template. If you did not originate you get the cool assed dude award for sharing. Many thanks.
Those tactics won’t really work here but if there’s a small army of them on super low IQ platforms their lies can spread.
This story has parallel construction written all over it.
It establishes how careful his behavior was during those three months. Obviously he was not famous for murder during that time, but it might lead us to believe that a person living on a post pandemic world and seeking to remain anonymous might have chosen a mask at Mc Ds? For that matter… why not on the sidewalk where the event happened?
I’m pretty cynical and I’m nowhere near this cynical.
Is your interest in this “the guy in custody is an imposter” theory is because we want so much for the actual act-doer to still be out there? I confess… I like that world. But a “hero” arising to assume the shooter’s identity feels even more fantastical than my original musing that covert agencies are trying to hide their existence by having a wage slave take credit for calling this in.
I only mentioned it because it was a detail you might not have heard?
So… someone who happens to look like the the person captured on the videos has the wherewithal to craft the manifesto and fabricate the 3D printed gun parts, and also wants to… do this so that he can become famous or gum up the machinery of justice? Seriously, I’m not tracking.
I heard he left zero digital traces. That would be hard for me even if I was trying.
I heard that he went into hiding months before the actual shooting.
It’s all fishy af.
There’s surely something more here than we are being told.
Indeed! Someone should get this opinion around in the news media.
And get the death penalty? What?
I would have worried had I been first.
Despite what the critics responding here say, I think there’s some smoke here if not a little fire.
Anyone know the story behind the actual photo?
What a kind and thoughtful reply this was. I have nurtured the notion of replying to you in the back of my mind and today we have a snow day. I will update you on the Fediverse project I offered in my Science Fiction course.
It was a bust on one level.
I genuinely thought I would ignite passion for this work in one tenth of the class… or at the very least: INTEREST! And under that: curiosity.
I did get folks to create accounts and explore and the oral presentations were filled with…
It doesn’t work!
It’s too hard to get to work.
Corporations have succeeded in creating the laziest generation. The most incurious batch of victims ever brewed up.
So… I did not start a revolution.
And neither did Luigi… but we tried to shine light into darkness.
Luckily my way involved zero murder.
And your and my conversation began with me just asking in how bad trouble might I get into for this attempt. The answer was zero. My students executed what they could with the bandwidth they had at the level to which they were accustomed to work.
Plus sides…
They did think critically. Many of them owned up to their own lack of patience and attention.
Some mentioned they they need more dopamine in their social media.
Which tells me they “got” the point but that they do not mind being scolded by the telescreen when they do not bend over far enough trying to touch their toes.
OpenStars, your discourse is not easily abandoned. Thank you so much for the intelligent responses and the concern you shared.
I do not have an active Fediverse project rolling this term. But I will likely come up with something for Spring. I’m thinking of ditching every book in my fiction class and having us read THE BOOK THEIF closely for spring.
I’d settle for the novelization of Inglurious Basterds… maybe we will write that as a creative project.
How could this country run so far afoul?
Here’s hoping your adventures in the Fediverse are numerous and satisfying.
Hah… that’s the way I sign off postal correspondence and it occurred to me I could stalk your avatar here and find these things out. I shall resist that impulse and hope you have time for a reply.