Open source is only as useful as the contributors and reviewers. Finding things after the fact helps noone.
People need to stop revering open source as the solution to humanity’s problems and treat it as a useful tool, nothing more.
Open source is only as useful as the contributors and reviewers. Finding things after the fact helps noone.
People need to stop revering open source as the solution to humanity’s problems and treat it as a useful tool, nothing more.
The kind of community people like this would create doesn't need to exist anyway.
Flies, honey, vinegar, asshole.
Pick your terms.
Rather than be used for war, they’ll be used for threats of violence and propaganda
Surveillance is the word you’re looking for. Take all those NSA pipelines and run them through an AI and BAM, you’ve got your “terrorists”.
AI will be downfall of our technological society, but not because of killer robots and malevolent systems. It’s going to make everyone completely and utterly incompetent at everything in life.
AKA former user
They don’t make docs like they used to. For what it’s worth, those “…for Dummies” books were never going to make anyone an expert on anything, but every one of them I’ve ever read was the most densely packed set of comprehensible information on the subject available at the time.
100+ million years qualifies as right in the middle of “for long” in my book. The fact that an asteroid or comet of biblical proportions wiped them out has nothing to do with evolutionary effectiveness. Most of the animals that did survive either A) lived in water or B) lived underground.
The only non-techies I know that use Chrome are those I have installed Chrome for.
Most people who “just use the computer” these days DO use edge, in my experience.
Stop breaking user space