• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • When I was a kid, I was a girl and me and my best friend (also a girl) went to Dungeons and Dragons games hosted by a DM at a local gaming shop. We were in middle school, the other players and the DMs were all adults.

    There was a guy who would regularly teasingly poke my friend in a way that was clearly inappropriate and uncomfortable. Nobody stopped him. We did go for a few more sessions but eventually stopped attending. We stayed in the hobby, but it’s not a mystery why people would leave.

    Not to mention the underlying currents of racism in a lot of games.

    I know D&D and homebrew aren’t the same thing, but D&D is the intro for a lot of people so it’s very relevant.

    Edit: ahh okay different homebrew.

  • You keep bringing up jealousy 😂😂 you can’t try to use that as an attack on me. You are the one who brought it up again and again. You literally brought it up again, and unironically called me jealous again.

    And what is this assumption that I’m unhappy with my life lmao. I don’t want two cars and a big house, I don’t want anyone to have that. It’s unsustainable. I’ve had wealthy people tell me they are jealous of my life because of my career … I am not jealous of wealth I am angry at resource hoarding that prevents people from accessing basic amenities and people like you acting like they aren’t participating in it or aren’t even able to recognize their place in society as amongst the wealthiest.

    You are trying to impress people, and simultaneously trying to downplay yourself as “upper middle class” instead of wealthy. You are in the top percent of income earners, and somehow think that you are not wealthy.

  • I don’t even live in a city … I have lived in rural areas for nearly all of the past decade. But yeah I would love to live in a city at some point in my life. Kinda sucks to be so far from everything, nature is great but I get plenty of exposure to the outdoors at work. I have only been paying this rent for a month as a stopgap looking for something else. It’s the most affordable I could find, that was a standalone unit, after a couple months looking. I was really unhappy being so far from my friends living rurally, and now I am slightly less rural but it still feels to remote. I miss being able to walk to things. Also statistically… rural people kill themselves way more 😬

    You seem confused and lost. Lashing out completely unrelated and weird insults. Like … do you live in Idaho?? lol did I hit a nerve? People like living in cities because there is community, culture, services. Weird.

    Nice that you seem to have given up trying to tell me that buying a house is a good financial decision for me though like … you saw the evidence and then went off about antidepressants and air quality lmao

  • You are the one listing off all the ways you are well off … and then calling me jealous. It’s kind of an embarrassing thing for you resort to but I think that’s what you need to feel good about yourself. Literally the classic last resort is to call people jealous haters 😂

    You are making assumptions about my ability to budget? You are saying I’ll live in poverty? How about instead of trying to impress people online about your money, and trying to convince a leftist that you’re a good guy, why don’t you learn about solidarity. You’re now talking about how you think you know your place in the social hierarchy? Like everything you say is just an admission of your allegiance to inequality.

    I highly doubt that the work you do is worth the exponentially higher amount than other people, the amount that would be required for that to be your sole source of wealth. You have not taken any time to evaluate your actual place in the world, and who is suffering as a result of whatever your work is. So yeah you’re dumb as hell and the only thing you have to say about it is “blah blah blah you poor jealous hater 😤”

    Your lifestyle is a wealthy lifestyle. The “middle class” is something that only briefly existed in the 1950s, did not exist before that, and was quickly taken out. Look at actual numbers and not an outdated idealization.