I feel better about this one, Your prvious offerings have been all complete and pretty compared to my flying spaghetti monsters. To be fair, I’ve been building more for easy dissembly rather than prettiness.
I may soon join your new religion.
I feel better about this one, Your prvious offerings have been all complete and pretty compared to my flying spaghetti monsters. To be fair, I’ve been building more for easy dissembly rather than prettiness.
I may soon join your new religion.
Ubisoft is not a serious game publisher, rather is a racketeering company that uses gaming software as a vehicle for its monetization schemes.
It’s also a sex harassment and assault den for its upper management to prey on its clerical staff, and its HR notoriously covers for them.
I no longer play the Ubisoft games for which I have licenses, and I say this as an old fan of the Far Cry series. No longer.
Ubisoft needs to fail enough to get liquidated and bought out, I expect, by another AAA publisher gone amuck or a private equity management company. In either case, may Ubisoft assets load them down like a neutron star.
I’m reminded of a struggle I had with The Long Dark trying to do basic things (like find a bed in a cabin) in the pitch black dark. IRL, when in similar situations, I could feel around, and had no problem figuring out where up and down were, which is a problem without a field in first-person games.
I suggested a slight gradient in absolute black to indicate poles, or some other kind of artificial horizon, but they said no.
English is not allowed during posting, again.
A [Lego] minifig doesn’t hold a gun
A Star Wars lego minifig absolutely holds a gun. It may be a blaster, but it’s still a military weapon for killing people.
Disney also has gun wielding pirates and cowboys frontiersmen. Tron: Legacy showed Disney franchises can be about people killing people (without it being Star Wars ) so long as they can sneak it past the parents. And their Atlantis First Person Shooter didn’t show even a half ounce of creativity, and just promised it was not really shooting or killing.
They may only allow Mickey to do [brand-safe] things in official games, but in past Disney products they’ve just found ways to make violence family friendly, rather than making material that had promoted non-violence.
Clarification: The Mouse as in Disney Corporation not as in the thing you use to move your pointer.
More crime is committed in the making of media than in pirating it.
Also more wrongdoing against society and the public that the justice department couldn’t be bothered with (so doesn’t count as crime).
Pirate it all or don’t watch it.
Can the doxxing tech be used to ID law enforcement officers? A lot of them are assholes and bullies knowing their IDs will [be] protected by state and corporate interests.
And police in the US are more than eager to use facial recognition and ALPR services to bypass our fourth amendment protections.
Note that with rare exceptions, creators are not supported by your purchases. Rather the studios, labels and publishers wh cheat creators are.
If you want to support the creators, pay them directly, or go to one of their performances / signings / functions. But still pirate their work.
Public domain and abandonware and forgotten media are regarded by the media companies as a threat to their business model, since it is possible you can be entertained by them rather than their own for-cost offerings. It is no longer enough for them to control what you consume media, but insist on controlling whether you consume.
And the courts regard them as persons and members of the public as not. We don’t count as invested parties.
According to the US and the EU we common folk don’t figure.
It is now more ethical to pirate (or simply not consume it at all) than it is to obtain legitimate licenses.
Part of the problem is the failure of patent offices to do due diligence. Granted, this was exacerbated by the lack of an electronic database that tracked prior patents, public domain stuff, and things declared too general to be patented by the courts.
The project in the US to transfer old patents to digital and make them searchable is way underfunded and understaffed, and still is expected to take decades to finish.
The thing is, big companies like being able to win IP cases just by outspending their opponents, so they lobby to keep IP law byzantine and draconian, and to install judges who are either ignorant or just will side with the bigger company.
I wasn’t smarter than all my teachers, but there were a select few that were very much not the sharpest rocks on the tree.
The first XKCD that comes to mind
Ellision sounds like the kind of guy that wants an unstoppable army of robot swarms.
Representative Jamie Raskin recently brought up the term neo-monarchy.
I only got good at Jetty Boot specifically to unlock the jet boots. And it’s the one mini-game I kinda resent.
Setrik’s soiled loincloth!
The save the world plot is new.
I appreciated the capitalist / industrialist commentary that this is what Ficsit does: Drop a few pioneers onto a planet and turn it into a giant self-consuming manufacturing plant, like a bacterium infecting a cell, that feeds some remote market with hyper-processed goods.
Oh well. I expect it still to be amazing.
Can confirm Satisfactory_ has eaten 3000+ hours of my life.
I’m curious if the hypertube physics is still the same, since lobbing myself between sites, or into the sky to do surveys or climb tall hills smacks of Portal and_ The Matrix._
I hope it all still works.
The new Bacon Agaric looks nice.
Oh wow, this is such a relief. Yes, I just restarted and was dreading the pinch while transitioning from bio to coal.
It still may mean regular leaf-gathering sweeps just dumping them in the intake bin rather than feeding each generator individually, but even that is an improvement.
Since the publishers are also trying to suppress out-of-print media, abandonware and public domain material (also fair use) and the courts are favoring the publishers over the good of the public, we know it’s no longer about promoting science and useful arts or building a robust public domain.
The companies and courts alike are breaking the social contract, hence the trmporary monopolies enstated by the agencies of the same state are invalid. Piracy is no longer a valid crime since the state licenses are no longer valid.
(They will still enforce the will of the state — ICE does a lot of raids to enforce commercial interests when it’s not massacring refugees— but that doesn’t legitimize the will of the state. It only shows they are willing tyrants glad to use violence to oppress.)
We have nothing to lose but our chains!
In my case enjoying life is not something that I can simply do. I manage mental illness which features chronic suicidality, but it’s been driven into me very hard that I am at fault for my grief and trauma. But having a sober understanding of why I feel the way I do, and the social forces that drove parents, teachers and authorities to treat me the way I did helps me counter those neural processes.
This cartoon illustrates the dynamic I’ve encountered, and I hypothesize the mental illness epidemic in the US is intergenerational and compounding.
That we’re also dealing with a couple of imminent great filters the human species is unprepared to navigate hits hard for me.
My doom and gloom is catalyzed by a lot of things including, yes, a novelty cookbook that appears to be made in recognition of desperate times. It isn’t the only thing that informs my doom and gloom, and this isn’t to say I don’t have hope. But it is a Goblins at the gates of Gondor kind of situation, in which a lot of things have to go simultaneously right before we’re out of the fine mess we’re in.
to keep games safe
Really ups the clarion call to pirate the hell out of it (or not play it at all).
< English language not allowed… again. LEMMY IS WEIRD. >