Wise man say- forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. 🍕

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I am trying to shop around for a new gaming laptop, but I’m having a hard time finding something that is Linux friendly and has AMD CPU and GPU, and is of the highest end possible so I don’t have to upgrade it in a year (and if it’s expandable, even better). I’ve looked at the Framework, and before you spout off about how great it is: have you actually owned one? I’m finding more and more that they are flimsy and just aren’t quite “there” yet, but I hope that changes soon because the concept is what we need in laptops. Anyway, I can’t seem to find anything on the higher end that has both CPU and GPU from AMD. If anyone has a link, feel free to drop it.

  • Oof. I really appreciate your time, but this is exactly what I tried, and it won’t work for me. Can’t find it after I install it, and trying to run it from cli (I use Konsole) does absolutely nothing. As it states right on that page, it only supports GNOME. I’m so sorry to waste your time.

    Maybe I’m doing something wrong when I try to run it. It really, really sucks because I love their email and password manager, and the vpn is amazing on my phone. But I’m not about to blow $60 a year on something that only works on my phone. They really need to work on support for KDE Plasma. A looooot of people use it, and more are every day.

    Another thing I noticed is that their pgp keys there say Fedora 39… we’re all on 40 now…

  • I’m on Fedora KDE Plasma spin (40 and 6.1 respectively) and I need help with Proton VPN. In Discover, there is an app available for Proton, however, it is not officially supported (even though it’s put out by Proton AG) AND it’s a flatpak, which means it’s sandboxed, so, problems. I have an account with Proton, and love their email and password manager, but I’m currently only on a free account because, 1.) I don’t have the money right now, and, 2.) I want to make sure it works before I spend money on it.

    So the problem is this: It works well enough, but after a short while (somewhere around 10-30 minutes) it just loses communication. I’m still connected and online, but nothing will load, no data is being transferred one way or the other; it just conks out. It also has this issue where if I switch servers “too often”, it will start asking for a password every time I try to connect to a server even though I’m already logged in, and my password doesn’t work for it. It will do this until I log out of Proton and reboot my machine, and even then it sometimes stays stuck in this asking for a password state.

    I have talked with Proton’s support about this, but the only thing they will tell me is that it’s not supported because they only support GNOME Fedora and a handful of other distros. Well, I’m not switching distros right now, or anytime soon. They do have a way to use OpenVPN with their service, but it’s quite convoluted and my brain starts to melt when I try to figure it out. Plus, Proton is the only VPN that comes up in Discover.

    Would Flatseal fix my issues, and if so, how do I configure it? If not, how can I get it, or another version or whatever? I just want privacy, dammit! If you can, please provide clear instructions or a link to clear instructions.

    Thank you in advance!

  • Look, I personally consider myself a “hardcore” fan, but I don’t have a problem with legitimate criticisms. Things like the need for optimizations, bug fixes, etc. The criticisms of the DLC by other so-called “hardcore” fans, are not legitimate. The problem is, these people are straight fucking morons that can’t bother to learn the game in the first place. They think they can just run to the bosses with their over-leveled, NG+17 character and expect to use the same methods they used for the base game and beat it the first day it’s out. IT IS NOT THE SAME. The DLC is like playing a “sequel” that let’s you load your character and equipment from the previous game so you can look cool, but your still starting from essentially zero. You HAVE to level up the new stuff to get back to where you were power-wise, which means you HAVE to explore, and you HAVE to change up how you approach things. You cannot just rush through the bosses to see the ending. You HAVE to play the game to be able to play the game, and the pissy babies can’t fucking grasp that.

    The real problem with the “community” is that a huge, huge amount of its members are shitty, asshole children with shitty, asshole parents that buy them these games, which they shouldn’t be playing in the first place. The other big part of the community are the shitty neckbeards that are still children mentally.

    All that said, if you genuinely suck at a game, that game isn’t for you. That’s why I quit playing Balatro. Not everyone is good at everything they try to do- like how my birth-giver was a home ec major (yes, that was actually a thing), but she can’t cook for shit. She can fuck up Kraft Dinner. But damn can she sew, and craft, and all the rest. (She’s still a narcissistic sociopath, so she can fuck right off.) So if you like the game, but can’t play it, maybe just watch a streamer or something so you can still enjoy it. Hell, my wife was so into Elden Ring just from watching me play that I bought it for her so she could play it. She tried. She really, really tried. But she just couldn’t do it. So we got a refund and she still loves watching me play so she can get to experience it. Not everything is, or needs to be, for everyone.

  • TurtlePower@lemm.eetoLinux@programming.devWhy openSUSE?
    3 months ago

    Yeah, shittily. Flatpak is sandboxed which causes issues for many games, least of which are anti-cheat issues, and it’s a huge pain in the ass, if not impossible, to get working correctly. The fact you suggest Flatpak for such a thing just shows you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground.

  • My laptop is pretty dang portable. It may not fit in a pocket or what have you, but I carry a backpack anyway. And does windows provide emulators? I just pulled up a huge list, right on Discover Software Center and there are at least a couple different emulators for every major (and even some minor) console, handheld, arcade, and even a DOS emulator for DOS games. Hell, I even have Space Cadet Pinball on this thing. Yeah I’ve pirated on windows, and it’s not as easy, unless you’re talking about music production software, but that’s a whole other beast. Don’t get me wrong, Steam Deck is awesome and I would love to get one, but $650 is a hefty chunk of change for a lot of people, and considering I’m trying to save up for a Framework, I’m not interested in spending that kind of money right now.