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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I used to be super not into metroidvanias either, so much so just hearing it’s a metroidvanias meant I wouldn’t play it. then a coworker showed me Super Metroid on 3ds and absolutely loved it!

    I think another one for me was picross, and picross 3d. No idea why I ended up sinking hours into a puzzle game as I’m usually not so into puzzle genre.

    I also have random spurts of racing games, I go from hating them to “hay let’s try how need for speed is right now”

  • Interesting but I do think things are a little different:

    • A lot of people seem to be commenting about how a remaster is about changing atmosphere or visual changes. And I agree with you. But OP is asking specifically about games with the quote “for modern audiences” in the game and that quote is not added for the visual or control or minor game design changes, but instead specifically to tell you it’s removed the “isms” out.

    • I think your point about isms makes sense, it’s just that I’m of the opposing view. That I think the “isms” have been removed out is like censoring a painting or movie. Sure it’s easier to digest, but what made the media so poignant is sometimes the rawity of it.

    I guess I don’t think you’re wrong, just that I think it takes away from the original media for the only reason that “it sells more if we can widen the audience”.

    For me the ideal would be you could choose between the two. How the game was originally made but with the updated graphics/control/design. Or the new one that removes any isms to placate people’s sensibilities.

    I don’t think however my preference would happen because it goes against the idea of “hay we can sell more if we tell everyone we removed everything controversial about the game”. So I guess your idea solution is probably the best middle ground :)

  • Definitely for me big alarm bells.

    Look a remaster should or could have obvious upgrades, sometimes it’s visuals, videos, style, controls etc. that to me is good.

    But that quote specifically tells me “the game has been changed for current day sensibilities” and I hate that. I feel it takes away from what the original had in mind, for good or bad.

    I understand that many media have been racist/misogynist/ageist and accept that it was a product of its time. But I don’t think it does it any good to essentially pretend that it didn’t happen and I feel we’re just pretending it isn’t what it truly is when it’s changed.

    I do think remakes are different however. I feel they are taking the idea of the original but redesigning it in a way that the new designers for see.

    BUT the fact is, that quote is only ever seen on media that hides the past, not remakes the future.

  • This is the typical case I think too. Usually so that nurse charts it straight away. This is so that another nurse wont give the same pill/dose during shift changes and so that if something happens and a doctor needs to administer alternative medication, they know what’s in the patients system already.

    I’ve never heard of a nurse having to sit there waiting for the patient to randomly choose a time to take it.

  • This is a newb talking so take it with a grain of salt but

    1. From initial videos it looks like when you pull out then put the cart back in, it seems to swap between games. So guess is that for the switch it looks like a normal game, not an initial boot interface to swap between, but what boots depends on which one the cart is chosen in the loop.

    2. You’re right it would be their own type, and likely a converter between them assuming the team doesn’t put some sort of proprietary stopper

    3. Likely the switch itself won’t know the difference, but Nintendo has dealt with this problem in the past with the 3ds. They add a unique code to every game, so when you pirate it and try to download and update Nintendo can see 1000s of downloads of the same game with unique key, then they can just ban the console. Same if you try to play online (then later patching happened where you can change the key yourself). Downloadable updates where available then afaik

  • Everyone’s comments here are right but I do feel you OP, I’ve been wanting to learn Godot and react recently but seeing people just pull code straight from ChatGPT and it’s way better then I can code right now, does feel a bit like “should I really try this path”.

    Tbf I do think you can work hand in hand with ChatGPT where it just makes you faster at development, but I still do feel a little sting. And with so much stuff I want to do, I’ve re-prioritised other things instead.