• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • As a data center engineer of 10+ years, I struggled to understand this at first. In my world, the hardware does a POST before the OS boots and has an inventory of what hardware components are available, so it shouldn’t matter in what order they are discovered, since the interface names should make a correlation between the interface and the pcie slot that NIC exists in.

    Where the water gets muddled is in virtualized servers. The NICs no longer have a correlation to a specific hardware component, and you may need to configure different interfaces in the virtualized OS for different networks. I think in trying to create a methodology that is agnostic to bare metal/virtualized OSs, it was decided that the naming convention should be uniform.

    Probably seems like bloat to the average admin who is unconcerned with whether these NICs are physical or virtual, they just want to configure their server.

  • Honestly, I think the nicest thing you can do for people is to make your point quickly and keep it as short as possible.

    For peers on collaborative issues:

    Hello NJSpradin,

    Hope you had an excellent weekend. I’d like to discuss the doohickey problem. I’m leaning towards XYZ, but I’d love to know your thoughts. Let me know when it’s most convenient to meet.


    For peers or people that are not doing their job.

    Hello NJSpradin,

    As discussed, the delivery of the doohickey proposal is needed ASAP. Please make this your priority and let me know if there’s anything you need.


  • Thanks. I have some time off I need to take this month, so I’ll try to get that sorted. Haven’t found a PCP yet in my area, so I need to start there and hope that they refer me to someone who can see me in a timely manner. I feel like I need to start understanding how my brain works under the hood so I can move towards goals instead of going against the current.

    What does it feel like to be on prescription medication? I’ve heard rhetoric that it’s basically meth (not that I know, but that the effects on the brain are similar) without any of the chemicals that give you euphoria. I’m afraid that it will render me a zombie or that I’ll lose a sense of identity or the tenacity/creative spark which fuels me. Are those fears irrational? Are those things I should discuss with a counselor?

  • I haven’t yet no, but I highly suspect it. And a lot of my teachers in school told my parents I had ADHD/some form of autism but they brushed that off because they thought it meant there was something wrong with me or that they were suggesting I was incapable. Not sure where to start really. Do I go to a primary care doctor who refers me to a specialist? I haven’t had health insurance for most of my life, so I’m not sure how this works.

  • I’m having a crisis here thinking about this lol. It’s a part of the system that is your machine if you consider the system to be the entire use of the computer. But it is not a part of the operating system on the drive. It’s a lower level operating system that identifies your hardware’s capabilities and functionality and has sets of instructions on how to boot from your storage. Computers are really just many many layers of abstraction. Separating the abstractions into layers gets pretty complex. But if you create a virtual OS inside of your storage device’s OS, it is its own OS. It has no knowledge that it’s a virtual machine.

  • As far as I know, the only thing that the new python integration helps with is that users don’t have to install Python or have to know how to use pip to install packages like pandas, because Python doesn’t run locally. It is neat how you can visualize data and show it inline with the Excel document though. My industry is very regulated, so we won’t be able to use it since the data you pass to Python goes to Azure for processing

  • Is this a school owned device? Goofy 4 line script that uses tons of resources, so that script that unnecessarily and intentionally taxes the laptops hardware, purely innocent right? Any chance why they might not want you to do that?

    That’s pretty standard across any respectable industry. You’re given suitable alternatives, if everyone could use whatever applications they wanted then it would be a nightmare.

  • thisisnotgoingwell@programming.devtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlSchool Spyware
    1 year ago

    Something tells me your intentions aren’t innocent(you want to be able to act maliciously at school or on the school network), or you have an overinflated sense of ego, the head of IT likely didn’t give two shits about explaining anything to some brat. You’re going to have to face some harsh realities pretty soon. Expecting digital privacy on a school issued device on the school network is asinine thinking.

  • I’ll say this, as an engineer who’s worked closely with the brass tacks, a lot of the time when new directors or c level people are brought in, they want to own a space. There was a solution existing prior to them, because the company already existed before they joined. But no one wants to be the guy who supports the previous ideas (maintenance on an engine isn’t as sexy as designing it) because the idea doesn’t have their branding. They want to be seen as bold/innovative, etc. So they make some calls and they find a solution that promises everything they have and more. If the new solution is a success, their position is cemented, they are now a stakeholder in the company. Sales guy is going to sell his ass off, maybe the workforce has to be repurposed (need more expertise in new fields), etc. All this creates unnecessary work for people with real jobs just because a boss wants it. In the end, the new director/c level can say, “wow, this was great, look at how our metrics have improved, all thanks to me!” Despite the fact that they weren’t given all the features they were promised, or they didn’t hire/train specialized engineers to truly own the new solution. Or maybe the solution isn’t very effective. A lot of the time it’s mostly politics. People are trying to get headlines just like politicians so they can keep climbing the ladder.

    The way you’re describing “bullshit” jobs doesn’t exist, there are no jobs that are inherently, always bullshit. There’s just bullshit work, and a lot of people who’s job it is to do bullshit work