• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Your phone and tablet can be considered personal items, so you don’t need to declare those. The only thing I’d second guess is the steam deck given the statement:

    Personal care goods, ornaments, and tools to be used during the period of stay by a traveler who enters the country temporarily and to be brought out again when leaving the country

    But I would personally consider that a personal item since you’re not gonna be using it for commercial purposes anyway. I recommend you get a second opinion on that one.

  • I posted this before when another user posted a similar problem. Obviously yours is particular with google so some parts may not apply, but the gist is that you need to figure out your threat model.

    You need to step back and review your threat model, then figure out the balance point between privacy and convenience/QoL. There is no such thing as complete privacy unless you go completely offline and live like a hermit. So something has to give, and your threat model will help you identify that. Figure out first what exactly you’re protecting, and from who. Then you can assess which ones you will deem non-negotiable when it comes to privacy, some where you can relax a bit in exchange for covenience (and this has levels as well), and lastly the ones where you have no choice because blocking something will make it cease to function. Having this threat model will also help you figure out what extent you would want to expose yourself depending on the service. Don’t put everything into the same tier because that will be impossible. Good luck.

  • This is the same for most businesses that offer customers to delete (or stop selling) your data. You have to fill out forms with a bunch of very personal information for them to delete your data, which is a hassle. You don’t even know what data they have on you and may very well be providing even more info than what they have just by requesting to delete it. IMO they should just ask for a name. Hell, if you have an account with them, then it should be straightforward to proceed if it’s requested by a user who is logged into their account. They can even send a confirmation email or something to ensure the account wasn’t compromised.