I’m gonna laugh my ass off if someone finds out there was some obscure Emacs fork or clone designed to run Clojure or something, and it’s named Again
I’m gonna laugh my ass off if someone finds out there was some obscure Emacs fork or clone designed to run Clojure or something, and it’s named Again
Oh lort. You just gave me flashbacks. One of my kids bought one of those $200 Chuwi laptops and it would barf all over itself about once a month, so badly it would require a reinstall.
It seems like a lot of iot tech is geared more towards iPhone in the US. For example my wife’s Odyssey will read the entire header of a text message with text to speech, and if you look into it Honda says it’s a known issue. No such issue with iPhones.
I remember when the GNOME file manager was this kind of interesting hybrid that used MC for the backend. The one thing I liked about it was that it could be docked in Window Maker. Yep I was using a Dock in GNOME waaaaaaaaaaaaaay before most GNOME users.
Nowadays it’s still possible to replicate my old Window Maker desktop in XFCE.