woah holy shit a bio?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Something I don’t get paid enough to understand - what constitutes contributions, and what’s the definition of selling the software?

    For instance, I don’t think I’ve worked on a project where we have made changes to the source code for security policies (much quicker path to update immediately if something gets flagged). But I don’t think I know of an instance where we sell our software as a service - as far as I know it’s largely used to support other services we sell.

    Except now that I say that, that’s not entirely true, we DO have a review board that we have to submit every third party library to and it takes forever to hear back but we have occasionally gotten a “no can’t use that” or “contract is pending.” So maybe I’m just super unaware of who reviews the third party software and they review the licenses.

  • Edit: I was off by a big order of magnitude, see my reply to this comments reply.

    No. You are also forgetting the density of the sun increases with depth. For instance, if it’s heading for the core - the solar core is about 155g/cm^3. Where as earth is 5.5g/cm3.

    Essentially, going 0.9C is going to impact the sun, and we can say the incoming earth object is going to classically hit with 4.9*10^24 J.

    At this size and and energy, we compare it to the rest energy of the entire sun (this isn’t how we would actually do it) but the sun has a total resting mass energy equivalence of like 1.8x10^41 J.

    The energy of the earth like object impacting the sun is 0.000000000000000027%.

    The sun effectively doesn’t even know it happened.

  • That’s… Not great. I didn’t actually think about what all these wild AV systems could do, but that’s incredibly broad access.

    Maybe I’m just old, but it always strikes me as odd that you’d spend so much money on that much intrusive power that on a good day slows your machines down and on a bad day this happens.

    I get that Users are stupid. But maybe you shouldn’t let users install anything. And maybe your machines shouldn’t have access to things that can give them malware. Some times, you don’t need everything connected to a network.

  • Instead of just getting the down votes, I’ll explain why that wouldnt work.

    1. The AI itself cannot decompile it without the same tools I would use. The AI would then end up with the same starting spot I have.
    2. Current LLMs do not know how to interpret code logic, and would likely make mistakes in Syscalls, register addresses, and instructions.
    3. Assembly languages themselves have nothing further than instruction sets. I’m sure there are ways to organize it in the super rare case of actually writing assembly, but not to the effect of object oriented or functional programming.

    Lastly, other comments have pointed out decompiled code is extremely expensive to analyze. The output from whatever we decompile would easily exceed the input limits for all existing LLMs.

  • Variable names, class names, package structure, method names, etc. won’t normally be maintained in the disassembled code. They are meaningless to the CPU, and just a series of memory addresses. In cases where you have method names being mentioned, it’s likely a syscall, and it’s calling a method from an existing library. I’m not familiar with VB, but at least in .Net and .Net Framework, this would be something like the System.Collections.Generic providing the implementation for List<string> and when .Sort() is called, it makes the syscall to that compiled .dll.