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Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • [Tire sales] are growing a little faster than the population, but still slower than the GDP [sad tire manufacturer noises]

    Why should sales in a static (and resource intense and polluting) technology like tires grow faster than the population? Making money off the stock market seems kind of evil

    EVs are still part of the solution, though. Not spilling gas all day long on every corner of the city would be a big deal.

  • I’m not a therapist, so this is just a guess, but the “scared you off” comments and maybe the hints at depression could be seen as manipulative, especially when he really never wanted anything from the relationship beyond the online attention. He made her feel guilty for not spending more time and energy on him while exaggerating his own interest in her. Perhaps in his previous relationships the manipulation went further. Your friend needs to know she is not at all to blame for the end of this relationship. Nor is she dumb for caring about someone more than they cared about her: you can’t always tell. But perhaps she will take from it the idea that she could ask for things that are important to her, like in-person contact or space to be doing something other than talking to him without being nagged, sooner in the process to be sure the other person is on the same page. Help her understand that whatever anxiety she felt to shore up his emotions should be at most a small part of their interaction. A relationship shouldn’t feel like a tomagatchi pet.

  • What this article suggests to me is that the big companies went wrong mainly in recruiting, probably by offering good salaries and work life balance to people used to impressing generic authority figures.

    The idea that non-game software doesn’t involve creativity or spit balling or iteration is ridiculous. But from what I’ve seen it does involve a lot more waiting for consensus and thinking too far down the road, which are political activities aimed at being right (as measured by vice presidents) rather than productive activities aimed at getting something done or making something cool (as measured by your own name in credits of a completed work offered to the public).

    I’m not sure why big company engineers don’t just start coding while their bosses are dithering about, but they don’t, and my pop psych guess is that they’ve selected for people who want to know what’s going to be on the exam. As long as the product is never really done and almost never seen or applauded outside the company, this kind of makes sense.

    As some big game studios seem to be moving to legacy products and rolling delivery to more and more captive audience, I wonder if the differences in culture will shrink. Maybe we will always depend on cash-strapped studios of slightly desperate iconoclasts for the big leaps.

  • I don’t know, but last month three people in my family, including one who is on immuno blockers, caught swine flu from 2009 (verified by PCR) and did have cold-like symptoms, but no hospitalization or other complications and no longer than a week. We got it tested because one sick person is non verbal and has a history of pneumonia, so whenever she gets a bad cough I take her to have someone listen to her lungs and this time they opted to test for the strain. I kind of wish we could do that more often as it’s very interesting to know and see these things come around. They all had this year’s flu vaccine, which every year includes some h1n1 variant, as had everyone else in the house who didn’t get sick at all. So anecdotally and unscientifically, I would say Spanish flu is not a threat, especially if you’ve been getting flu vaccines every year.

  • In a practical sense, I can tell you that in mobile apps, some parts of gdpr are implemented based on phone language settings or in the case of websites, the domain suffix of the page (.fr or .de, etc). I’m guessing this is an interpretation of the section described here:

    strong indications that a non-EU business is intentionally offering goods or services to data subjects in the EU and may therefore be subject to the GDPR:

    • Use of the language of an EU Member State (if the language is different than the language of the business’ home state);4
    • Use of the currency of an EU Member State (if the currency is different than the currency of the business’ home state);
    • Use of a top-level domain name of an EU Member State;
    • Mentions of customers based in an EU Member State; or
    • Targeted advertising to consumers in an EU Member State.

    Most people seem to be leaning toward just applying them to anyone as that’s the way things are headed and once you’ve figure out how to do it technically it’s easier to just do it all the same way. Also, the EU is doing it’s best to set precedent for a broad interpretation.

  • So, CVS in California used to do most of that, especially filling the Rx without being asked and then telling us it was ready. But, after some reaction to the opiate crisis I can’t find any place that does that. If you’re Rx is on a schedule, no matter if it makes sense or how long you’ve been taking it abuse-free, they absolutely may refuse to help you whenever some miscommunication happens or you need it early because you’re traveling or whatever.

    I think the pharmacy attached to medical center is a good idea, but it was my doctor’s office (the prescriber) who told me they “don’t get involved with scheduled drugs” when Costco needed the prescription resent.