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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • According to the article, quoted.

    Access zones are in place at K-12 schools, and police can arrest or issue tickets to anyone found impeding access, disrupting or interfering with educational activities, or attempting to intimidate an individual within 20 metres (66 feet) of school property,” the province said in a release. Unquoted now…

    What part of that is bad? Nothing says people can’t protest but no one should interfere with kid’s education. Doesn’t say people can’t protest, but they can’t disrupt people who go in there is all which seems fair.

    Edit: forgot to say I can be a bit dense and not realize things so if I’m missing a glaring fact or angle of this please do inform me.

  • How do you find which one you want with 150 open? Genuinely curious is all, I’m old and mostly use PC and can type quick enough to find what I want if I know which site (wikis for games and such). If I had to scroll through 150 tabs I’d spend half the time looking through a list so wonder how it helps to have that many open. Or maybe I just don’t read fast enough to scroll well.

  • First year programming in the late 90s … segmentation fault? I put printfs everywhere. Heh. You’d still get faults before the prints happened, such a pain to debug while learning. Though we weren’t really taught your point of the comment at the time.

    Least that was my experience on an AIX system not sure if that was general or not, the crash before a print I mean.

  • I may be wrong but I think it’d be the same issue in that the bios wouldn’t boot the OS from that sort of drive. For whatever reason that caused it I think it’d be a similar issue. That said by the time DVD drives being common enough for a server drive, most BIOSs would be able to handle it fine and a fair bit of time after this was needed.

    Though I kinda thought with proper configuration cd rom drives were all bootable, but I wasn’t working with servers in that era either so there were probably some mobos/bios that didn’t work properly for booting a cd/DVD drive. Closest to the time I was familiar with was XP and pretty sure that was expected to be CD bootable in 2001. So maybe this kicked in the bios support for bootable non floppy disc drives?

  • Would it be that complicated if people knew the lunar cycle, especially since the lunar cycle is fairly static? Not everyone I’m sure but those that needed a better time would probably understand and pass that knowledge along for the night folk. Of course depends when in technology we’re talking but I’d assume we humans understood those cycles pretty early for our survival, not in depth but they got the idea the lunar cycle didn’t change like the seasons did and adjust as needed. I haven’t read up on it so I’ll be glad to hear more info.

  • Yeah I’ve had it in my library for awhile, played a handful of hours and ended up being off today so thought why not? Can’t get to online mode, I always figured I’d do online mode when it was released. A shame but it happens. Granted I tried right after I could download it so probably not the best time but I was also curious if something like this would come up. I’m sure it’ll get sorted out anyways.

  • I find sex scenes awkward to enjoy, I kinda like the fade to black where it’s implied but not delved into. That said so many novels that are aimed at a similar audience with sci Fi and fantasy have always had sex scenes (Necromancer, Hyperion, Expanse all have sex in them) When we were playing text based games back in the 80s we wanted a cinematic experience. What’s the result? Games with sex in them. A new Leisure Suit Larry game is probably about due now that I think of it heh. I just click through and continue on.

  • Yes,minor spoiler but I was made smelly at one point, I was curious so used a thing of water to make everything wet, this stopped the effect. Probably could have gone through a river too. That made me curious there was a bad substance on the ground, I shattered water again and it made it passable. Now this sounds simple but I’m programming terms it’s the same action interacting that changes different systems (in place hazard and character modifier). That alone could create small bugs when interacting with different modifiers, items and NPCs. For the most part someone wouldn’t run into a quarter of the bugs they post (even a quarter is high) but someone will and it’s awesome they are being patched.

    Personally I’ve played about 20 hours since release, the only bug I had was when I was playing on hotfix 4 before they fixed that hotfix. It sounds worse than it was, since it was a compiler issue. I’m sure others aren’t as lucky but even 10000 bugs isn’t bad when it’s a rare and edge cases. But with probability you get more players (and this game seemed to sell very well) and the weird bugs that even beta testers didn’t find will come up.