My namesake is a human librarian that was turned into an orangutan. All he says is “Ook” and can traverse the library stacks with great ease. He is happy.

I have a pretty strange knowledge set. I’m not super friendly, but I like to get high and link people to stuff. Just pretend I said only “ook”

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • I actually love that we have resourses like this.

    My gripe is that they miss the mark by targeting new dads. The reason dad jokes are great is they are the first jokes your kid understands. So I would think dads of 4 to 9 year-olds would be a better target.

    The high you feel when your kid cracks up at some offhand dumb joke can’t be bottled.

    But the reason I love this as a resourse is that explaining jokes to a curious child develops connections in their head in a way that only a parenting rolemodel can really do. So even if it’s not laugh-out-loud funny to explain a joke, if your child tells you that they do not get a joke, first and foremost realize that is a vunerable admission. Buddies will rag on you for not getting it. Parents see a gap in their kids’ world experience that they can fill.

  • An electrical ground is reservoir into which you can dump charge with altering its potential difference. A car, in and of itself, is ground for the small shocks that occur from static. The earth is a bit overkill here.

    Edit: I am about to use the word “safe” on the internet. Normal “don’t trust everyone on the internet” warnings apply.

    You are correct that connecting yourself to ground of the car is the same as connecting to the negative terminal. You should be safe doing so in a properly wired car.

    That is to say, unless you expect to be at different potential differences. When might that happen? In a lightning strike for example. You do NOT want to electrically connected to your car’s ground in a lightning strike. (You should be perfectly safe inside the car, not touching the car’s ground.) Your car is not a reservoir for that kind of charge.

    The earth can handle a lightning strike without a (measurable) change in potential difference. This is why fish are not cooked in lightning storms.

  • Because we elect people who promise things. Then incumbency bias takes over.

    (This is not US centric. There were a lot of promises in the 1920s worldwide, too.)

    Edit: The only solution I can see (and it’s regrettably too slow to tip back the suck gracefully) is routine, vigorous primaries. Do you see how bad those adjectives suck together, “routine and vigorous”? Plus primaries are a snooze-fest.

    I dream to see 60% engagement in primaries. And I mean for Congress. Was your congressperson challenged at the primaries? Yes? Did you weigh the arguments or just hope those primary voters know what they are doing?

    No? Were they perfect? Or did they know the primaries would not be engaging enough to unseat them?

    The establishment will say “no one comes out of a primary smelling pretty”. But people that come out of a primary should have their plans defended. The promises made should be what the people of the party like best, not what they think will run best against people who can’t agree with the party about who gets human rights. (See how I snuck in a both sides phrasing.)

    Sorry for being a bit of keyboard warrior.

  • I said “read the meme” because that is all I was addressing. The title is just engagement-bait as far as I’m concerned. It’s either a meme or question. I’m sure others are here for the question but not the meme. And therefore, I’m being engagement-baited. Who knows, but I was clear about what I was talking about.

    I just think saying “you’re completely missing the point” to a comment that is perfectly on topic is completely uncalled for.

    I reason I think git is dead-simple to “self-host” is because I do it. I’m not a computer guy. I just used svn to version control some papers with fellow grad students. (it didn’t last, i was the only one that liked it.) so now i use git for some notes i archive. I’m not saying there aren’t tools to considerably upgrade the easy-of-use factor that would require some tech skills I don’t possess, but I stand by point.

  • Also, you only decompile to level of basic instructions that the processor understands. When you compile code to add two numbers, well, the processor only adds bytes. There are a quite a few steps that the compiler has to fill in.

    Ok, all that is not a big deal. But then you deal with compiler optimization. Optimizing basically tells the compiler to take its time and find some clever ways to save machine steps. So now the “standard way” for a compiler to implement adding numbers may have other stuff rolled into it because the compiler may see an opportunity to save steps in a seemly unrelated calculation by inserting steps into the addition it is implementing. Now it’s basically unrecognizable. A human didn’t write, and wouldn’t have written that mess that the decompiler gives.

    Edit: I would also like to add that when compile with the debugger flag, you are telling the compiler to produce decompilable code. Don’t change any steps and store variable names as written.

  • instantly hits a nerve in my head

    Agreed. But, it is supposed to. We are wired for it.

    [Facetious content warning: cheesy “as a parent” talk] Having a kid completely changed how the wires hit your empathy-center. The fact something you love inexplicably more than anything makes that sound, is looking at you for relief, and then you provide it (sometimes), it changes you. And other people’s babies don’t really bother you anymore. It fires up a different nerve center.

    When I hear parents apologize to strangers about their baby and they get the response “it’s ok, I’m a parent, too.”, I take it as shorthand that they mean “our brains have been rewired too. We get it. So if your baby cries, we’ll just frown with our bottom lip way down. We don’t know why. There is no control anymore. The wires, they’re all fucked up. Oh god why? Will I ever be normal again?”. Then they catch themselves, and hide that instant of self-awareness by cooing at the baby. Tale as old as time.

    Edit: Getting a few downvotes. Nbd. But I want to stress that this is not a top-level comment, and therefore should in no way be interpreted as an answer to OP’s question. In no way do I advocate having kids to fix any kind of problem, especially one of the type OP is asking about. I will sing the praises of vasectomies from personal experience.