• 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2020


  • I’m on PorkBun now, but I’ve used Njalla for a few years and had no issues with them. The reason I switched was simply because I wanted to own the domain, because with Njalla the domain isn’t actually yours, it’s registered to Njalla. Note that this is by design, in the sense that when someone looks up the domain, they won’t get your info, but Njalla’s instead. After a while, I’ve gotten less comfortable with the idea of someone else owning the domain I paid for, so I switched.

  • I tried arguing against this, but it’s no use. I tried pointing out how something can be branded illegal retroactively, like 20 years down the line, I tried the “give me your credit card info” approach, nothing took. 90% of the time the counter-argument is usually something to the effect of “big companies know everything about me anyway”, which is just guessing on their part.

    I’m just going to take care of my own privacy, because I’m clearly in the minority (present company excluded, of course). Almost everyone I know disregards online privacy completely, so I’m done trying to get a dialogue going with these people; it’s every man for himself. The only way online privacy will become a hot topic among laymen is when something nasty happens and at that point, it will have been too late.

  • And vice versa. Somebody’s gonna get the Cart Narcs eventually. I understand what he’s trying to do, but when you get down to brass tacks, the guy is harrassing people. And filming them without consent, too.

    Agent Sebastian, as he calls himself, doesn’t just point out the misplaced cart and slap a magnetic sticker on the offender’s car, oh no. In multiple instances he actively escalated the situation for no good reasons, except for the lulz, I guess, and in some videos, he even kept following the offenders. When he was visiting Australia, he even followed them to their fucking home!

    Now, Sebastian was quoted as saying that the group’s mission is to insure public decency, but “decent” is not the word I would use to describe his behaviour.