Japanese Speaker. I can read/write some English but not well, so corrections are always appreciated.


  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Hi, thanks for setting up this community. I’m not a Lemmy source contributer but I like to read open sources. Here is a very simplified web application (including Lemmy) architecture overview and I hope this text helps for some newbies:

    1. A user agent (web browser, mobile app, etc.) sends an HTTP request to a Lemmy instance.
    2. The lemmy instance examines the HTTP request and dispatches the request to a relevant function called controller. The mapping from a path in the URL to a function is called a router - see https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/blob/0.19.3/src/api_routes_http.rs for example.
    3. The controller makes an HTTP response for the request and returns it to the user agent.
    4. The user agent displays the returned response to the user.

    To find an controller from a path in the router, just grep (or a similar search function you use) the Lemmy source. For example, if I want to know how GET /user/export_settings works, I’ll run these commands:

    $ git clone https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/  # if you haven't download the source yet
    $ cd lemmy
    $ rg export_settings
    131:  user_settings_backup::{export_settings, import_settings},
    274:        web::resource("/user/export_settings")
    276:          .route(web::get().to(export_settings)),
    68:pub async fn export_settings(
    301:  use crate::api::user_settings_backup::{export_settings, import_settings};
    366:    let backup = export_settings(export_user.clone(), context.reset_request_count()).await?;
    402:    let mut backup = export_settings(export_user.clone(), context.reset_request_count()).await?;

    So we got the relevant route and the controller definitions very quickly. Settings to be exported are defined as a struct UserSettingsBackup. The controller is defined as pub async fn export_settings and it converts the struct to a JSON.

    Rust might not be a easy programming language but the official text (calld The Book is very friendly for newbies, so don’t hesitate to read and to write a simple program like guessing game.