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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • I’m also happily running Manjaro on my new Framework 16.
    Even the fingerprint sensor works fine - although I’ll still need to tune LightDM a bit, so I don’t have to press enter.

    Do you have any tips what you have done further or any resources?

    At first the WiFi wasn’t working and is still a bit unstable - like isn’t available as interface after booting and I need to toggle flight mode.
    But it seems a newer kernel (6.10.6-10) mostly fixed it.

    Also sometimes coreboot seems to take some time. But only every 10 boots or something.

  • Happens to everyone

    Just having a multitude of terminals open with a mix of test environment and (just for comparison) an open connection to the production servers…

    We were at a fair/exhibition once and on the first day people working on an actual customer project asked us, if they could compare with our code.
    Obviously they flashed the wrong PLC and we were stuck dead at the first hours of the exhibition.
    I still think that this place was cursed, as we also had to do multiple re-soldering of some connections of our robot and the sherry on top was the system flash dying - where I had fucked up, because I just finished everything late at night and didn’t made a complete backup of everything.
    But it seems, if luck runs out, you lose on all fronts.

    At least I was able to restore everything in 20mins. Which must be some kind of record.
    But I was shaking so much from the stress, that I couldn’t efficiently type anymore and was lucky to have a colleague to just calmly enter what I told him to and with that we’re able to get the show case up and running again.

    Well, at least the beer afterwards tasted like the liquid of the gods

  • Because of all the nice feedback about OpenSUSE:
    SUSE was my first (bought) Linux distribution, at a time when I would have spent days downloading an ISO, SUSE was available with a manual in store. That was nice.

    But then I had an AVM Fritz! ISDN card and it was a complete shit show to get this working. Especially as YAST(2?) didn’t support the configuration I needed, but every time you opened it, it would overwrite your manual changes in some configuration files.
    (Edit: I’ll probably need to add, that this was like 25 years ago. So besides “fuck, I’m old”, my perspective in SUSE is very probably not up-to-date)

    After that I hopped through a few distros and mostly stayed with basic Debian.

    Nowadays I’m mostly using Manjaro (or just Arch itself, if I don’t need X), because I like the Arch package system and actually also the whole system architecture… Don’t exactly know what it is, but I feel much more at home.
    With apt I sometimes found myself in situations, where a fresh install will resolve things faster than trying to restore/save the system. With Arch I always was somehow able to restore everything.

    Can someone tell me how Tumbleweed differs/excels?
    Thanks in advance!
    Currently waiting for my new laptop (Framework 16 :-D) and that would be a nice opportunity to try something new.
    But as I need my device for work, it’s important to me, that I really have it under my control and am not depending on some half-baked configuration utility like YAST was.

    Edit: I’m also playing with the thought of moving to something immutable. NixOS looked nice in concept, but the more I read about it, the more I see that it’s more suitable for more server than my laptop - but maybe I’m wrong here, as I don’t have any hands-on experience

  • Yeah, I’m having a hard time deciding about that.

    On the one hand I’m often in business trips and want to be at least able to recover my data easily if something happens.

    On the other hand getting the laptop stolen with all the data is a nightmare.

    Didn’t look into current solutions for quite some time though. As I’m currently waiting for a new laptop, this could be a good time to check something out.
    Anyone with some suggestions? (Will look into the encrypted FS OP recommended, but having options and opinions never hurts)

    Edit: ok, just realised that APFS is Apple File System. So that’s not gonna roll for me, as I’m on Linux and would like to have something that’s actually designed and developed for it. Don’t know anything about Linux APFS support, but I’m a bit traumatised by NTFS and anyway I don’t want to have anything to do with Apple

    Anyone with experience with encrypted LUKS and data recovery?
    Some buzzwords for options would also greatly help me
    Thanks for anything in advance!