I understand this is hard to prove without doxxing. This situation is very concerning, and if true absolutely disgusting.
I understand this is hard to prove without doxxing. This situation is very concerning, and if true absolutely disgusting.
I don’t see much proof. Did anyone corroborate?
Wait what? Do you have a source for this?
Holy shit is that article a heap of bigoted trash ramblings. I mean, I get that people disliked the series but this is full on Andrew Tate shit.
A lot of them are though.
Shizuku is open source and safe in and of itself. The apps that make use of it however have the potential to do a lot of stuff, which is the point, and so must be checked thoroughly.
Genuine question: which ones?
Well that may have done it, cheers!
In my case the setting was turned off already, but turning it on and off seems to have solved it. If this fix holds I'll add it to the OP.
Email works the same way. Once your data is received by the other party, you cannot delete it.
Public mailing lists have a very similar behaviour to the fediverse's. I am not aware of any credible GDPR cases against those, although it may happen down the line, we'll see.
Even if it is, this data is not processed in a way that would violate the law, unless the hosting party is doing something shady. It would be an incredible stretch to consider that a website only asking for a username to attach to a user somehow violates GDPR.
Lemmy instances do not by default collect any data protected under GDPR.
Yeah, I would recommend you ditch brave while you’re at it : link
Yeah, that feedback loop is so intense it should be able to accelerate matter past the speed of light.
I live in France. I have never encountered any instance of misleading packaging. No one is being fooled. This is a bullshit excuse made up by bullshit people. The meat industry is an extremely powerful lobby here, as is industrial agriculture, and this government is bending over backwards to accommodate their every whim.
Yeah, not really surprising. Radical left is usually shunned much more readily than the far right.
Safer for the torrent site. For the people running it, eh, who knows.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Weapons grade.