I don’t think reporting the USB ID thing to Plasma is useful and will go far - for 99% of users (that use some kind of Android/AOSP) the modus operandi is fine and helpful. With many Android devices and OSes requiring you to do something on the device after plugging it in, testing does not seem to be feasible to me.
There’s no need to add the edge repo, as the latest release of mobile-config-firefox should be in v23.12 by now (it’s been updated there since my last post). The command I posted does not add the repo, but only uses it for the one package without adding the repo permanently.
It’s somewhat SoC dependent, but the actual feature support depends on auxiliary chips. Of the well-supported phones, only the Shift6mq supports it in hardware - software support on mainline is not there yet though. The Fairphones 4 and 5 also have the feature. I have the 5, and display out works with postmarketOS, but audio support is still lacking, and USB peripherals (e.g., keyboard, mouse) are not supported.
Here’s a list of more devices: https://www.uperfectmonitor.com/pages/list-of-smartphones-with-displayport-alt-mode
That said, there are other ways like DisplayLink and or GUD that may enable you to connect a display to a OnePlus 6 or PocoF1 anyway, some people have done it (and left video evidence on social media or YouTube. It definitely requires a customized kernel, and unfortunately, AFAIK the efforts have not been documented/shared (kernel config and necessary packages).