It’s definitely a good thing. If someone wants to be on the popular platform go back to Reddit or Twitter. That’s what most people want. The Fediverse is the minority that wants something different.
It’s definitely a good thing. If someone wants to be on the popular platform go back to Reddit or Twitter. That’s what most people want. The Fediverse is the minority that wants something different.
I’m not a top athlete but I do lift weights and according to my BMI I’m .5 under overweight despite my body fat percentage staying in the 15-17 range. I’m not even that big.
Phone makers make no money if you don’t buy new phones
Maybe they should make a new phone thats desirable then. I’m still running on a phone from 2016 because there’s no modern one that wouldn’t lose me functionality that I use all the time. Anything I buy would be a downgrade.
Brave does I think. I didn’t allow it to do so the one time I saw the pop up and I would not want that to happen unless I was always behind a VPN.
nobody look at my downloads folder. It’s fine. I promise.
higher number of trolls, shitheads, wackos, etc
That’s because they’re actual humans and not 95% bots like Reddit.
Duracell suck but Kirkland are so much worse. Rechargeable Eneloops are the way to go.
My biggest hangup is Fusion360. Supposedly someone figured out how to get it working but It’s not officially supported and I haven’t had time to test it.
I transfer shows and movies to people I work with via external hard drive all the time. When I was a kid we’d copy pc games and CDs we got and share them around.
The company I work for disabled the taskbar settings when they put out Win 10. I’m Assuming they will do it on Win11 too so I may not have that option but thanks for the info anyway I’ll certainly try it.
Well, someone could. I’m just some schlub listening to podcasts.
I have to use it for software testing and I fucking hate the UI with everything crammed into the center of the taskbar. Beyond that it’s running in a virtual desktop and I don’t go beyond launching apps in it so I really can’t say. My work laptop is supposed to be upgraded next week, im sure ill find plenty to bitch about then.
the skip is 15 seconds and theres usually 2-3 adds on the ad breaks
i hit the skip button like 8 times and listen for the podcast, if i hear it i back up once until i hear the end of the ads.
I’m not buying a bunch of paper books and creating unnecessary waste just to make sure the author gets paid. I guess I could donate them but then the author loses sales that way. I’m certainly not rewarding the use of DRM by paying for it.
I should have specified I was talking about ebooks. That’s on me.
I buy DRM free books off humble bundle. Even if I already have previously downloaded them. I will not give money to anything with DRM on it if I don’t have to. These authors aren’t getting money from me because they don’t offer a product I want (DRM free books). Other sources do have this product so they can blame themselves or their publisher for losing sales.
I own the 1000s of ebooks I’ve downloaded to my personal media server.
I just want to see what happens when a bullet train hits a moose.
Biden could do some official acts. But he won’t.