Yeah, but someone would be offended by some perceived DEI lack.
Yeah, but someone would be offended by some perceived DEI lack.
Yes and no. Everywhere “Western” has an extradition treaty with the USA so there’s no point fleeing to any of those. Russia isn’t a great choice but if he values his freedom it’s probably the least worst option.
If capitalisation is used to indicate the start of words then it could make sense for a webserver to serve ExpertsExchange and ExpertSexChange. But yeah having 16 possible versions of “main” would be horrendous.
Lower performance though. At each iteration through the string you need to compare the length with a counter, which if you want strings longer than 255 characters will have to be multibyte. With NTS you don’t need the counter or the multibyte comparison, strings can be indefinitely long, and you only need to check if the byte you just looked at is zero, which most CPUs do for free so you just use a branch-if-[not-]zero instruction.
The terminating null also gives you a fairly obvious visual clue where the end of the string is when you’re debugging with a memory dump. Can you tell where the end of this string is: “ABCDEFGH”? What about now: “ABCD\0EFGH”?
Fmovies? Never heard of… wait, sorry, what I meant to say was OH NO!!! Not Fmovies!!! Guess I’m going to have to buy everything now!!!11!1
Sorry I’m not well enough versed in American politics to know who’s blue or red.
Whether you should vote or not doesn’t depend on the people around you. It is your right to have your say. The result is the cumulative effect of everyone in your area doing the same. Whether you think you’re surrounded by millions of blues or millions of reds doesn’t make any difference. Your perception may be incorrect, and your analysis, that there is literally zero chance that your vote will matter, is incorrect.
Nobody knows the results of an election until the votes are in and have been counted. It doesn’t matter that your area has always been red, blue, green, turquoise, pink or whatever. Areas can change allegiance, and it is by individuals getting out and voting.
If you don’t vote, you strengthen the position of those who vote the other way. It is not considered a protest vote because the system would prefer to consider this as voter apathy. If you want to register a protest vote and “none of the above” isn’t an option, find the official way to spoil your ballot paper and do that, but whatever you do, get out and vote.
No but it might make the new owners think a bit.
Maybe you don’t need to. These are games, for leisure, not your job (ok unless you’re a gaming youtuber or something). The completed game doesn’t have to be submitted to your manager on Monday morning or else. Many games just get harder and harder as you progress (and even those that don’t); just play until it stops being fun then move on. Save the stress for the job.
Because back when the only way to listen to new music was to buy it, then find out a load of it was absolute tripe, then not be able to take it back.
So fuck 'em. I download first, then if I like it I buy it. There’s quite a few CDs on my shelf that I first pirated. And no CDs that are full of lame filler shite.
British Christian here, with an engineering degree. I think knowledge is a good thing. But it’s not the only thing; faith is important too. Balancing the two can be tricky because we always want more “why?” and God isn’t always going to answer that. But He is good, infinitely good, there is no evil in Him, and He has promised to be with us forever. There are times when you just have to switch your analytics off and trust, and find the peace within “I don’t know.”
Maybe they could be called AIgorithms instead of Algorithms.
If they have value to the company then how about sharing the costs of commuting? A 50-50 split seems reasonable to me. The company gets the value of those conversations, and the plebs get some help with all that fuel they now have to buy, at ridiculous prices due to high oil prices.
The ultimate “lalala I’m not listening”. What a fucking crybaby.
The question isn’t aimed at proudboys but at you, calling use of the Karen name “underlying red herring sexism” but then demonstrating your own not so underlying but explicit red herring sexism with the use of “gun toting proudboys.” Unless you were being ironic of course.
Hmm I smell another “DeCSS” coming along…
Could you clarify why “gun toting proudboys” isn’t sexist?
A programmer’s pet peeve is someone who says “why can’t you just…”.
But the fundamental problem with your plan, assuming it’s possible at all - it’s been said that if the brain were simple enough for us to understand then we’d be too simple to understand it - is that you’re going to want to make your AI at least as smart as someone who’s 30-40 years old, which by definition would take 30-40 years.
It does rather depend on whether politicians are there to enact whatever they want, or to enact the will of the people, and what they should do where those two don’t align. You probably wouldn’t consider it immoral for someone who doesn’t drive to vote one way or another on a roadbuilding project, or for someone without kids to vote on a school project.
So I don’t see why it should be a problem for a politician who privately supports a particular topic but represents people who don’t, to vote against it; it means they’re doing what they were elected to do and not acting solely in their own interests.
Yal’l n’eed t’o lear’n a’bou’t apo’str’phe pl’ac’em’en’t’.
Then I recommend you crack open a dictionary and check the meanings of “get organized, involved, and armed”, “stand, fight, and maybe even die” (your exact wording). Because raising arms against a democratically elected goverrnment IS EXACTLY what you are saying, albeit that you might not be saying you necessarily want to start that fight, but it certainly looks like it to me.