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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I have thought about it for a while but the US is basically in a cold civil war, with a significant chance of it becoming hot. And it looks very similar to their previous one. Neither side seem to have a charismatic enough leader.

    It’s easy to look over the pond and think it’s none of our problem. But if the US falls to chaos a lot of other countries will follow suit. We can already see this influence in the UK and I’d argue many other EU countries. Russia probably saw this weakness, bet on it worsening much quicker than it did, but lost that bet (so far).

    With that said, addressing the US as a whole no longer makes sense. I’m sure plenty, plenty of Americans see what is happening.

    It’s unfortunate that one of the wealthiest people on this planet has taken the anti-democratic side, but it’s not the first or the last time in history a powerful man, rich beyond measure has done so.

  • Pick the simplest things you enjoy eating and start with those. I usually just cooked the same thing over and over until I got fed up of them. This is okay as long as your diet remains diverse.

    And not everything needs to be cooked. Make use of cold salads and such. I love olives. Olive oil is awesome for both salad and cooking. Salads are often seen as the main dish but I much prefer them as a side, like rice.

    Follow the recipe as best as you can at first. You’ll be fine, the only important thing is food safety, e.g. handling raw chicken.

    Oh and btw even pros screw up their cooking here and there. Don’t feel too bad if you get it wrong while millions of kids starve out there.

  • Nah. I look back at Tesla. One of the greatest people to have blessed our planet. Certainly among the top if not the top inventor to have existed. But I don’t envy any part of his life.

    How about Turing? Another great example. The father of computer science and AI. A great person too. One of the most accomplished human beings, even back when he was alive. I don’t envy any part of his life.

    I sure have picked unfortunate examples. But these should highlight how success alone isn’t enough. I don’t think life satisfaction lies in obtaining more, but rather wanting less. If you observe well, you’ll notice people living very simple lives and being very happy while at it. How about the wealthiest person, Musk. Does he look satisfied with life and happy? I don’t think a happy person would behave that way.

    If you have so little, then perhaps you can afford greater risks. If you can’t afford greater risks, then perhaps you don’t have so little.

  • I wouldn’t call it hard per se. I would call most current dating practices a waste of time. It’s a lot like playing the lottery, but instead of money, I pay with my time. And even statistically speaking, the odds are quite bad, for both sides. When you have so many choices every choice seems less worth it. When you have too few choices, competition is fierce. I envy neither men nor women in today’s scene, and I’d expect it to be much more difficult for the LGBT+ community.

    I would say two things to you, not necessarily connected.

    One, we think the grass is always greener on the other side. When I look back at my partnered life compared to my single life now, I would say my life now is better. After spending time with myself I was finally able to solve loads of internal issues. Relationships can become a very comfortable state and I definitely let myself go too often. I haven’t forgotten that loneliness also occurred while I wasn’t single.

    Two, you can make no mistakes and still lose. As Picard said it best, that’s just life. If life isn’t working now, I wouldn’t expect a partner to fix it. After the honeymoon phase, we tend to fall back to our old selves. Use this time to get that self in order and perhaps while you do it you find yourself happier regardless of the outcome of life.