Maytag are just shitty badge engineered Whirlpools. Nowadays it’s Speed Queen FTW.
Maytag are just shitty badge engineered Whirlpools. Nowadays it’s Speed Queen FTW.
About 12 years ago, I promised an agent at Safeco (AKA Liberty Mutual) that they would never get another penny from me because they wouldn’t honor the terms of my policy, refusing to pay the full amount on a vehicle collision claim. They’re just another business that doesn’t keep their word. But I absolutely plan to keep mine.
PM: “How long is developing this feature going to take?”
Me: “Due to all the refactoring that’s needed --which I’ve been repeatedly bringing up for two years – just to implement it, it’s going to take about 6 months.”
PM: “Is there any way you can have it ready for the release in two weeks?”
Me: “No.”
PM: Proceeds to tell everyone that it will be ready for the release in two weeks.
Immediately begins judging whoever did the mortar.
Oh no. I’ve turned into my dad.
Taking a dump anywhere without a bidet just feels dirty.
I would advise against it. Separation of concerns isn’t important until it is. If your host server is unavailable for any reason, now EVERYTHING is unavailable. Having your server go down is bad. Being unable to browse the internet when your host is down and you’re trying to figure out why is worse.
There are also risks involved in running your firewall on the same host as all your other VM’s without adding a lot of complex network configurations.
Lots of things that could cause rough idle. Vacuum leaks and spark plugs are common culprits. Dirty/worn spark plugs are often accompanied by unburned fuel or soot in the exhaust.
You’d have to put a vacuum gauge on the intake manifold to check for a vacuum leak.
Beyond that, you’d have to check the diagnostic codes to see if it shows something else amiss.
Very loud and distinct sound. Not sure exactly where it’s coming from but it sounds like it’s near the front wheels.
Everything related to the drive train, suspension, etc. is in good shape. I’m thinking it could be engine mounts.
Take it back to the auto parts store for recycling.
If you’re gonna do that it should only be after sending a very blunt CYA email.
Got oil and a filter sitting in the garage. Been waiting for a warmer day. Looks like I might finally get one this week.
Singing while 🎶 searching for yooouuuuuuu, in the cold Kentucky raaaaaaiiiiaaaaaaaiiiiaaaahhhaaaahhaaaaahhaaaaiiiiinnnn.🎶
My former doctor: “Ya. You probably have ADHD but you’re fine. You’ve learned to cope with it.”
Me: Drinking half a bottle of Jim Beam every night to “cope”.
Side note: nice seeing you around again Stamets. The meme quality was suffering in your absence.
I also wondered what kind of rock OP lives under. I use email every day, multiple times per day. I probably send more emails than texts.
Don’t worry. We’ll totally fix all of them soon. Promise. Hand to God. They definitely will not be here five years from now.
So basically the same as a discard in C#?
Don’t look at me. I voted five. And then when the scrum master was like, “jubilationtcornpone, are you ok with it being a three?” I said “No.” But someone who thought they knew better decided it was going to be a three anyways.
A race to accrue as much technical debt as quickly as possible by focusing stricty on individual features while ignoring the long term ramifications of design decisions.
For me it’s not fear. It’s having to power up my “extrovert persona”. I’m happy to do it. I enjoy talking to people but it’s also exhausting.