• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Someone is going to need to pull a lot of weight in planning, organizing, and leading these meetings, presentations, and projects.

    I’ve never managed a project before, but assume we should gather everyone who is interested by sending out some sort of survey. It would be good to have knowledge about what people are interested in learning, send out my ideas of how this should be structured, and ask for general comments. These could be about the final project, individual time commitment, references, philosophy of learning, etc. I’m thinking 8 weeks could be a good place to start. How should this survey be sent out to others? I want to choose a service that doesn’t encroach on user privacy since we are on Lemmy. The same is to be asked of a communal repository. I don’t want to use Google Drive.

    What would we need to do on our first meeting together?

    Saturday mornings or Monday evenings (Pacific US Time) are some thoughts. The sessions could be between 1 and 2 hours depending on the engagement.

    This is a what I mean by someone pulling a lot of weight, a teacher carousel has a slim to none chance of working out. One person is going to need to define and implement the vast majority of the curriculum. They’ll need to do a lot of research and work in advance.

    I’d like to ascertain this information in the survey if anyone with expertise in particular programming domains would like to lend their expertise and put together a short slide deck. Otherwise, I’m okay to deep-dive on topics we agree on, find a healthy amount of literature as resources, and brainstorm a way that each subtopic could be useful in the grander scheme of the project. So that there is some type of cohesive narrative to this endeavor.

    Hope that’s a good starting point.

  • Unfortunately I don't think completely automating my resume is going to happen. It's just a dream :( I've finally found something that got the attention of an employer though, so hopefully my job search will be over soon.

    I'm still itching to do something with NLP/LLMs, but I'll have to define the problem more rigorously rather than throw out nebulous desires. Thanks for the response!

  • Any advice on adjusting to a search engine like Searx or enhancing how to use DuckDuckGo since Fennec comes with it?

    Is there a gospel-like resource on Search Engines and using particular query delimiters? Just been tough reading some of these documentation pages with legion jargon words

  • I’ve been thinking about trying Kbin. I’d love to see how the Linux and technology communities are over there. I can’t even visit Reddit anymore with how enshittified it became. It seems like there are so many more bots, the quality of the conversation has definitely dropped since the API pricing explosion.

    I got red-pilled into F(L)OSS stuff when I read about what was being done to developers. I only had ever used the default proprietary app because I somehow didn’t know that alternatives existed. I guess my phone was just for memes and for mindless entertainment then I realized I needed to use SSH and a bash terminal. I might have attached a meme by accident. It is infinitely buffering so I think we’ll find out when I post this.

  • Thank you for all the great suggestions! I’ve been slowly implementing a potpourri of the recommendations I’ve gotten across tech in my life so its been quite exhausting the past month trying to digest it all.

    I love the DNS.adguard.com pihole! I started using it about 3 weeks ago and its made my mobile browsing experience so much better. It was perfect to see all those terrible ads and popups that just make it distracting and impossible to read vanish into smome. Not to mention redirects and videos I didn’t want to play…

    Just checked out Fennec and Droid-ify and is there a particular reason Droid-ify was written entirely in Kotlin? I only recall that Kotlin was named after the island near St. Petersburg, but that’s it… I only started using Arch Linux about 3 months ago as my daily driver and used Windows for 18 years prior. Been hard to unlearn a lot of habits instilled from undergrad from my shitty Python and MATLAB courses + decades of Windows usage.