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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Lemmy is quite good at not being too “tribal”. Why not embrace a message as expressed, instead of worrying about where it is … posted?

    For me, one of the worst issues affecting t’internets is tribalism. Us humans are hardwired to go all in on tribal affiliation. It is generally harder to find inclusive measures than it is to find exclusive measures.

    If you are here then you may not be exclusively: Firefox user ⊆browser user ⊆human. Note that browser user can have multiple browsers.

  • If the boy has a gaming rig, then he also has a CAD workstation.

    I managed to get a dodgy copy of AutoCAD 2 running on my 80286 with an 80287 maths co pro that I persuaded my parents to buy me for Chrimbo. Sadly, it was a bit shite. The next version of AutoCAD needed a 32 bit machine with 32 MB (yes MB) of RAM. That was way out of my league.

    Depending on the age of the boy and given how long the little darlings are tending to hang around these days, a constructive bribery system in lieu of rent or pocket money enhancement might be in order 8)

  • Blimey there’s a name from the past. I remember painting a Citadel Miniature (white metal job) of a demon of Slaanesh. That would have been around 1986-7ish. Four armed thing and looked bloody nasty! That was before Warty-Forty really took off.

    I moulded a little skull out of Milliput, with a tiny snake running in through the base and out of an eye socket. I separated a foot from the base and lifted it up a bit and stuck the skull under it. White metal is quite soft but you have to be careful. I spent quite a while modelling “grass” and such. The grass went from a dead looking green/brown around the demon to normal in a sort of circle of ruin.

    Nowadays my eyesight can barely see a 00 brushes’ bristles, let alone let me use one.

  • SO: Next door have got their lights up, why haven’t we? Me: (Enable NodeRed flows for gutter and pergola light strings that switches them on at dusk and off late evening) Right, that’s the missus pacified for a week or so. I should probably get BigTimer to sort that out itself.

    Employee: I’ve got all the printers for <customer> monitored using an auto entries card. (Good skills) Me: (Installs an addon that can use VoIP to do text to speech to a phone) We warn off the customer and now they get a phone call from “things” that tells them what consumables to buy and also sends an email.

    When I finally get around to sorting out my glasses so I can see what my soldering iron is up to, I’ll get many more gadgets installed. My computer room at work needs a tiny ESP8266 and four 1 wire Dallas SC temperature sensors, a bit of vero board, a resistor, power and probably a buck convertor and a case, which I’ll print.

    I adore HA.

  • I once named a load of servers for a helicopter company in the UK with elements. The cluster nodes were copper, silicon, etc. The cluster itself was called iron. The volumes were labelled fe_function.

    It worked - it was easy to read and the bits that implied “cluster” were grouped appropriately. All the other servers had random elemental names unless they were associated in some way, in which case the group would be used. The engineers (real engineers with oil or distressingly nasty lubricants in their veins) loved it - it made sense, without being too quirky. It was very legible.

    When those systems were hoicked out and replaced, the usual nonsense was applied: 2 char country code + 2 char site code etc etc ad nauseam. Followed by my absolute pet hate: 01. Oh so you might need 99 domain controllers? Yes you might, but not on one site.

    Let’s face it, it is mostly AD admins who don’t get hostnames. I blame MS - their docs and blogs strive to be … authoritative or at least look so. An entire generation (possibly two) of sysadmins have been sold up the river by MS and their wankery.

  • You don’t need to put the IPv6 address into your browser. The host command shows that you have got DNS sorted - try:

    $ dig @ myserver.now-dns.net AAAA

    That should return an IPv6 address and the @ means: use the Quad9 DNS server - or will also try external DNS servers - CloudFlare and Google. Hopefully that’s naming sorted out.

    Now to actual access. Your router will (probably), by default, block all inbound connections. I’ve just had a look at your screenshot and it has a menu entry: “Port forwarding IPv6”. IPv6 doesn’t need port forwarding really but I suspect that is how you allow access. I am now guessing. There is such a thing as IPv6 NAT and something called NPT (Network Prefix Translation) which is not for the faint of heart!

    Have a look around in that menu a screen shot might help.

    It might help if you tell us where you are (very roughly - country and perhaps city), your ISP and router model. I can get you to the point of all of this working but there are rather a lot of unknowns. I can see that your router offers Dutch or English so I will guess you are from the Netherlands.

  • As well as a link local address you should also have one or more globally routeable ones too. Hopefully you have at least one of those set up in DNS with a AAAA address. Therefore you should be able to put the address of your web server into your browser and off it goes. In theory IPv6 should be preferred by your browser, so even if both an A record and a AAAA record resolve for the name, IPv6 should kick in.

    A quick check would be:

    $ host mywebserver.example.co.uk

    That should return an IPv4 and an IPv6 address. The IPv6 address is the same for internal and external - there is no distinction, which can be surprising if you are used to IPv4 and NAT. The final bit of the equation is that your internet router needs to allow access “from all to globally routeable ipv6 address of the web server”.