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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Ok i get it, it’s best practice to do rushed releases without QA because users are the free testers.

    You literally used the wrong version. As I stated: the app you’re talking about clearly states it does not have a stable release for the version of nextcloud you’re running.

    They definitely had no way to know that their own app was incompatible

    They knew, and told you, right on the app page

    Idiot user who believed their newsletter "update now, hub 9 is the best thing ever

    You said it, not me. I tried being nice but that really is what happened: you fell for what the marketing team wrote and skipped basic IT steps in doing so. Now, rather than just admit you made a mistake that a LOT of people have made (including me, I’m a fucking idiot too) you are whining and doing your best to me talk gymnastics this into you being a victim of something

    How you managed to convince your IT department of anything with a knowledge that shallow and an attitude like that I’ll never know. Grow up.

  • then a bit of warning is suggested

    Which was given by the app that gets broken by the update

    Windows doesn’t tell you that upgrading to 11 will break x, y, and z that you have installed, you’re expected to go to the sites for those programs and check if they work. Same exact idea

    The same company making both apps is never a guarantee that they’ll play nice day 1, for many reasons

    I’ll repeat: learn from your mistake instead of blaming other people for your naivete. If an app is important and might break during an update of something: check the apps documentation to see if it supports said update

  • Literally just googled “nextcloud forms” and looked at their supported versions and whaddya know, it says right on that webpage that there’s no stable version for 30 yet, so safe bet would be that it wouldn’t properly work when upgrading:

    There is a supported nightly build, though, so you could probably have tried that

    It’s on you to look up what will break when you update, or to test and see what happens when you do. A major update page isn’t going to list all of the things that rely on it that break because that’s fucking unreasonable

  • I’m starting to see a pattern in those comments like “why did you wear a skirt that night? It looks like you asked for it…”

    Cute victim mentality, but gross and insanely wrong comparison

    Learn from your mistake and don’t update without testing next time, it’s 100% on whoever updates the production environment to make sure that shit isn’t broken for whatever reason before pushing it customer-side

    It’s more like you bought a random white powder from your dealer without asking what it was and are now upset you almost died

  • Ill add something I’ve never really seen anyone mention: it used to be a lot better at staying on topic without ME keeping it that way

    For example: this weekend I was playing Blops 3 and googled shit like “Winslow accord bo3” and after 1-3 searches I could just type shit related to bo3 and even if it had relevant pages related to other shit, it’d remember my recent searches and keep them rather relevant even if it was on my phone or a new window rather than the same search bar

    At least, it used to work that way. Now every 4-5 searches it suddenly forgets what tangent I was on and I have to start adding qualifiers again to get relevant searches

  • They could have a community center or a library. Sure funds are hard to come by but what kind of political party would even consider that?

    Funny enough here in the rural parts of CA I’ve seen Raleys and Holiday Markets putting in large community areas with amenities like cheap (sometimes free) printers, office space, children’s areas, etc.

    They’re not perfect or anything but its wild to see capitalist behemoths pull off something actually close to what the ideal would be, even if it’s likely to manipulate people somehow

    Make it law that communities with a dollar general or fuck it any grocery store we all have to eat have a community center of halfway decent quality in it like those places have done willingly and you’ll have an improvement, guaranteed

  • I just finished reconfigging my whole old server into it’s new modern form and set it up so that at either ratio > 2 or 1 month of no seeding has passed

    So far my overall ratio is fucking .78 because apparently nobody wants to download the shit I’ve got seeding other than me :'(

    (Tbf it’s mostly old obscure shit rn cuz I’m catching up on more obscure releases of movies n shit this month, but that was maybe a dumb idea right after completely overhauling my setup and tracking my ratios now lol)

  • Meanwhile it’s the only place I’ve seen someone stick their head out of a car window and yell at a black person walking down the street to, and I will use their exact phrase as I remember it even 12 years later:

    “Go back to monkey Island you stupid dirty niiiiiiiiiig…” And he was silenced by the car driving away before he could finish, but it should be obvious

  • Not just blindly doing them, like I said they open you up and help get over hurdles that otherwise make the journey almost impossible (at least for me)

    Read up and have a guide ready for yourself, ideally someone else to help you out with it, someone you can trust and be unbelievably vulnerable in front of

    Micro dosing can also just help if you’re not on meds. Not a perfect replacement imo but it DID help

  • In order:

    1. DIAGNOSIS. Just understanding why my brain did what it did helped at least curb some of the worse negative feelings and thoughts, and got those around me to better understand and help

    2. Mushrooms. Mixed with therapy and diagnosis these are a really good way to completely re-attune yourself after years of not understanding or having control. Do them responsibly with someone you can trust if it’s your first time

    3. Meds. Adderall was the first I tried and it really works well for me. Basically restores my ability to control my thoughts to some degree. The rest of fixing me is on me, these just enable it at all