I ran a FidoNet BBS back then on a 386-16 and 2400 baud modem. Woot! It would run WordPerfect 5.1 while people were logged on to the board but compiling brought it to its knees.
Living offgrid in a campervan since 2018 w/ pibble+boxer Muffin.
LIKE dogs, books, thoughtful people of all flavors DISLIKE bullies, sh1tposters, partisans, noise
I ran a FidoNet BBS back then on a 386-16 and 2400 baud modem. Woot! It would run WordPerfect 5.1 while people were logged on to the board but compiling brought it to its knees.
In 8th (?) grade our larval computing lab was a row of Commodore 64 but there was only one 5.25" floppy drive between them. When you wanted to save or load your proglet you had to
At some point I realized that while the owner was walking back and forth you could load their code to see how they approached the assignment. And doing so did not affect their workflow or anyone else at all. It felt like the earth shifted a bit at that moment.
why am I tempted to find install images for DESQview
Acoustic-coupling modem for a TI 99/4a. 300 baud?
most of our discussions here are centered on Jacquard looms
I there a way to somehow reduce the ranking of these communities so more niche content have more chance to appear in the front page?
I sort by NEW. If the niche communities have posts they will show up.
During periods of short supply and/or increased coffee has been often been replaced or augmented by various other ingredients. For example: