How would you even type a “?” with that keyboard. No, I would not use a keyboard that was missing all numbers, 90% of symbols and threw 3 of the keys haphazardly to the side.
This is a joke at best and mostly just waste. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. It’s junk like this that makes the alternate keyboard community look like a bunch of schizos. “Why would I use something that works when I can remove tons of functionality to be cutesy?”.
Hard pass.
I tried to buy the model from an artist recently for personal use(friend wanted some Mickey ears of a specific style). Person told me no and quoted me $130 with a 3 week wait time for a physical product that was something I could print in about an hour myself. For a Disney product they were already infringing on themselves.
Went elsewhere and found someone selling the model for $7. Figured that was fair for the effort to transform it into a model file.
Turned out I was wrong - only took me 20 minutes to print.
Some of these artists are ridiculous…