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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Nobody’s saying it yet so I will: Unicorn: Warriors Eternal is phenomenal. It’s maybe just a bit below Primal and Samurai Jack for me in terms of sheer impact but the scope and ambition of the storytelling and animation has only grown since he did those shows. Unicorn tells a truly bizarre tale in an unusual setting with more of an ensemble cast than most of his works. There’s definitely some sense that he’s doing it to challenge himself more. But it still works great.

  • Even earlier, Colossal Cave Adventure from 1975 is the earliest one I can think of.

    Likewise Dungeon from the same year might be the earliest Empoisoned

    EDIT: Nah, Pong predates Dungeon.

    One of the first arcade games (1971) was Computer Space. Kinda feels halfway between the two, so that’s fun.

    EDIT 2: Think I found the earliest Jumble’s Big Bumble: Hunt The Wumpus, first distributed in May of 1973