same. Ive played it for about ~10 hours on the steam deck so far, and i have my FPS counter turned on at all times; never seen it dip below 40, and i dont think ive touched any settings. On an original steam deck, not an OLED, though
same. Ive played it for about ~10 hours on the steam deck so far, and i have my FPS counter turned on at all times; never seen it dip below 40, and i dont think ive touched any settings. On an original steam deck, not an OLED, though
If a user is banned on their home instance, that ban is federated out to all instances. If a user is banned on a remote instance, they’re just banned locally on that instance, and their account remains active for all other instances.
They’re likely some remote users who have interacted enough with your instance to be federated over, and then banned on their home instance.
You’ve obviously gotten the base level answer, but to add some color here - certain types of food, such as dried pasta, rice, beans, grains, high proof alcohol, vinegars, and basically anything frozen to name a few, never spoil in the sense that they’re unsafe to eat.
Flavor, however, is an entirely different matter. Just ask anyone who has eaten freezer burnt food.
Pretty much any high proof alcohol will fall into this category. And, if it’s unopened, it should retain most of its flavor for a very long time. Once opened, however, it can deteriorate relatively quickly, depending on how it was stored.
*- if you ignore the actual dominant party
People frequently make demakes with pico-8
What are you looking to actually do with your programming skills? That will heavily influence which languages to recommend you learn. Do you want to make websites? build games? do AI stuff? Create enterprise-level software? something else?
Earthbound is eternally on my list of games i play through every couple of years. Its such a great game. Some aspects of it are a tad clunky by modern sensibilities (inventory management, going through the menus for a lot of things, etc.), but overall it holds up really well. Also if you liked earthbound, mother 3 is also 100% worth playing. Mother 1 (or beginnings, or whatever you wanna call it), is hard to recommend to anyone but the most diehard fans, though.
I like earthbound the most of all of em, but thats purely for nostalgia reasons. From a critical perspective, i think mother 3 is the superior game.
I agree with the other poster; you should look into proxmox. I migrated from ESXi to proxmox 7-8 years ago or so, and honestly its been WAY better than ESXi. The migration process was pretty easy too, i was able to bring over the images from ESXi and load them directly into proxmox.
If you invest 80 million and make 80 million in return, it’s a wash, and you wouldn’t pay any taxes because you didnt make any money.
You would have to invest 80 million in a movie, scrap it, and then 80 million in another movie, which goes on to make 160 million in order to have 80 million in profits to offset with an 80 million write off. This would result in a net $0 made for tax purposes.
you can’t just write off anything you want. You only get to write off certain things, but at the end of the day, a tax write off is just a tax deduction for how much you need to pay, in the same way any normal person paying their taxes does. Just like with personal taxes, you can just reduce your tax liability down to 0 if you get enough deductions.
Corporations obviously work differently than for a normal person, but the same basic principle applies.
Edit: i suppose i should clarify - You can take deductions for investment losses. Normal people can even do this. What you’re referring to would be a deduction along those lines, where you’re “writing off” a loss on your taxes. If you invest $100 in stock, and sell when the value is $50, you took a $50 loss, and can deduct those loses from your tax burden, because you’re required to pay taxes on 50 less dollars that year.
if you’re just looking for it to fit in your pocket, i have a zendure brand one that is barely bigger than a credit card in its dimensions, but its 10k mah, 45W. It’s about an inch tall. I know it’s not 5,000 like you are asking, but might fit the bill size wise
thats because they legally cant include the cores in the steam version. You’re able to go add any additional cores you want, however.
Running arr services on a proxmox cluster to download to a device on the same network. I don’t think there would be any problems but wanted to see what changes need to be done.
I’m essentially doing this with my set up. I have a box running proxmox and a separate networked nas device. There aren’t really any changes, per se, other than pointing the *arr installs at the correct mounts. One thing to make note of, i would make sure that your download, processing, and final locations are all within the same mount point, so that you can take advantage of atomic moves.
I’ve always thought it sounds like a horror song as well, which is why my favorite version is by the Lovecraft historical society: Carol of the old ones
ARM vs x86 is part of the equation; ARM uses significantly less power than x86, but has a simplified instruction. x86 consumes more power but is more robust and has higher computing capabilities and higher workload efficiency
The other half of the equation is OS level software that can restrict what is allowed to process during said low power sleep.
In theory nothing stops x86 hardware from having something comparable, but it would probably use a lot more power than you’d expect.
There are ways to make windows and Linux wake at certain times for actions via wake timers which isn’t quite the same, though
I have mediacom as well, but in a larger city of the midwest. They have datacaps here too, and i was paying about $100 for exactly this same plan up until a couple years ago. They started upgrading our speeds/caps because a new fiber company (metronet) is building in the area. Now i’m on 1 gbps down and a 4 TB cap. I still plan to switch to metronet when they finally light up my area, as its cheaper for the same speeds (plus no data caps)
well, yes, i dont think there’s anything stopping you from doing that in any way. But the bot account flag is basically just honor system is my point. I wouldn’t expect it to be a rock-solid way to deal with bots. Only the good/non-malicious actors are going to properly label themselves.
Only for accounts actually labeled as a bot. Thats basically just a flag that can be turned on and off, someone who is going to make a bot for malicious purposes such as spamming content probably won’t flag it properly.
By default lemmy instances will federate when they’re made aware of each other. I don’t think your instance will federate with any of you set it up as a private instance, though.
Other than that, you can blacklist instances you don’t want to federate with.
i second the comment that you need to consider why you want to do this. You generally need a pretty good reason to split your codebase into multiple languages.
As far as actually doing it, you have a ton of different options, some of which have been mentioned here. Some i can think of off the top of my head:
basically every approach is going to require you to come up with some sort of API that the two work together through, though, an API in the generic sense is basically a shared contract two disconnected pieces of code use to communicate.