Again, you’re just making excuses. You are exactly the type of person who feels entitled to these things. There is no right that you have to play games that you want to play just because you don’t like the surrounding situation. You can also just not play those games. There are plenty of wonderful games from indie devs without all of those things that you can play and reward them with your time and money but you’re choosing to play games from companies who do those things because of your sense of entitlement and then attempt to make excuses to justify your entitlement.
No one is forcing you to do these things. You’re choosing to do them.
I didn’t have to. You’ve given reasons for why not to play those games. You’re just pretending like they’re reasons for not paying for them rather than for not playing them.
And they’re not personal attacks because they’re not directed towards just you. I’ve given plenty of evidence and reason for why people who do so are entitled. A personal attack is attacking the person making the argument. My argument is that people are making excuses because they’re entitled.