In my part of the US, I believe it’s 3 ft (0.91 meters), so unfortunately even a legal pass feels like a close pass. I imagine the 1.5 meters still feels close too. I agree that’s super hard to measure from a car—I’m a cyclist and a driver, so I get it. In many parts of the US that aren’t as backward as mine, the minimum distance is 6ft, which seems a little more reasonable.
I’m curious if anyone else is able to provide an example here. Personally, I grew up in an extremely right-wing, very isolated, very culty version of the southern baptist church. I was around young-earthers, anti-vaxxers, anti-evolution folks, dinosaur/man co-existence, believing black people are black because they’re cursed—all sorts of crazy whackadoodle shit. I never once met someone who didn’t believe in space. I think you’re right that this was a YouTube Fact™ that she picked up somewhere.