Oh, did an airline stewardess walk by?
Oh, did an airline stewardess walk by?
Got caught using the wrong glue is more accurate.
Do you mean academy award nominated actress MargotRobbie?
You jest, but futures can actually go negative. At one point during covid a tanker shortage meant you could be paid a few $100 to accept delivery of a barrel of crude. Some people were joking about filling their swimming pools.
In trading we refer to tesla as a meme stock, or better, as shit beta. I have a theory a number of big interday players moved into memes when they started getting bigger, because the poor liquidity of the plays cause the market…. Because the people who sell the stock had to keep buying more stock to make the options they sold safer.
Tesla is up and down because it makes people money.
Sounds like you’ve achieved goatse post-nut clarity.
What do you mean by “go against?”
Assassination is right out. Too much to risk.
Cast shade on his politics? Easy. You can rent a large enough number of billboards around the country to start an influence campaign on the cheap, getting republicans to start asking if they’ve been betrayed. We’re talking a few million a year. Much as the republicans chipped at the dem base in the election, you just need to get enough of them angry to start the fighting and finger pointing in their own house.
Rent a few republican legislators and get them to start throwing a wrench in things? Doable, but you have to steer them a bit. Probably 2 to 3 times the cost of the billboards. You also need to make them feel they come out on top for the noise they make. Probably call them “the loyal trump faction” and have them go overboard demanding things faster than the american people will take.
Start a competitor to twitter? Probably lose 100mm a year to start, but it can be done.
There are lots of things you can do.
I mean Tim, if you wanted me to stop using maps you could have just asked, you didn’t need to insert ads.
He might live in Phoenix.
“More presidential.”
Pure Socialism is a society where resources are shared as equally as possible across all participants. Resources are distributed as appropriately as possible to create what is needed, excess is distributed with as little waste as possible. Communism has a centralized body to distribute these resources.
Assuming we’re thinking of the same place, you have to deal with a large group of people who have been fooled, and are about to get very angry and need a target they can reach for their anger. Highlighting mid to high level members of their party leadership as the people to blame allows them to hold their great leader blameless, protecting their egos, while at the same time ripping down the pillars that prop up that same leader. Calling for new blood to support… whatever leader you’re talking about, and voting out “those idiots that aren’t giving him what he needs and so we all are suffering” allows the malleable followers to self destruct the party apparatus like ants eating away the bones of an elephant.
I personally like the theory that they caught him using five eyes data, and skip the step where they write “US citizen” in the transcripts
“ let’s get you a scrum-rifle and see what you can do to improve your stats.”
Well, clearly you are not a bot on reddit then.
Adam something is such a strange name, too.
In college, this came down to me finally crossing the bridge to being an adult, and agreeing with myself that the alarm would go off, and I would wake up. When I went to sleep, how distracted I was at night, and why and when I was getting up were all on me, but I had to get up to the alarm. It changed my thinking knowing no magical parent was going to force me to get up. I either went to the morning class, or failed the class.
Same reason the people on 9/11 stayed in their seats - they thought they’d be fine if they waited it out.