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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • There is no meaning. We make are own meaning arbitrarily. That’s what it means to be human, ND or not.

    Work on your CBT, work on medication if needed, go through the day working on little wins, they add up to big ones without even realizing it.

    Also make sure you sleep right. People harp on eating and working out but I found a great spot with a good medicine regimen which also helped me start and end the days right. Adderall XR 30mg, Clonidine, and Nortryptyline ftw. The Naltrexone helped a ton with cutting down on the alcohol self medication.

    Feeling little guilts constantly is the default for a lot of people, I’d wager more people than not. It’s how we prime our brains to do the things we don’t want to do. Most NT people just don’t have as big an issue with it. It’s comforting knowing almost everyone has that issue but still get along in their days relatively fine. It puts me at ease knowing everyone else is in their own little world too. Even the people closest to me.

  • I don’t know about you guys, but if a great friend and coworker I knew to be an upstanding person got accused of raping people I didn’t know, I’d be with my friend all the way.

    When it comes out they actually did the thing? You condemn what they did.

    This isn’t some weird ‘gotcha’. This is people who like to scrutinize people who watch the Kardashians essentially doing the same thing on the internet lol.

    Having your trust and integrity betrayed is one of the most human and humbling moments possible. One which anybody who’s had more than two friends or a family in their life has ALREADY gone through.

    What a pile of low life tabloid shitmongery.

    Don’t be a fucking hypocrite. Do you want people to change their opinions with new information or not?

  • So multiple people have mentioned mod support but I’ve never seen it myself in numerous low graphic and high graphic quality games. It looks like resolution is less a matter and more no want for it. 99% of games have no NEED for anything I said.

    Immersion is supreme for so many whales though. Not only that, but people with 3060 series graphics cards or equivalent make up like ~15% (did I math right from the toilet?) of Steams userbase. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/?sort=name

    I’m just surprised mech games, which are designed by their nature to be futuristic and have LOTS of HUD elements, wouldn’t make use of multiple screens to declutter and immerse better. RTS games would also be great candidates for this QoL feature.

    The argument requiring 4k resolution is moot too when you consider only 1-2 screens need it. A minimap and info screen can be rendered in near shitter quality.

    It just seems like a case of where creating a game that uses multiple monitors in different resolutions seems like one of those weird programming hiccups that throws shit off or takes up too many resources. Otherwise I feel like making use of another screen for a HUD would be relatively easy. I’m no programmer though, hence the question. There’s also balancing complaints where people who can afford multiple monitors have easier to see from peripheral maps, cooldowns, stats, etc.

    As for money on controllers, gtfo lol. That’s clearly not in the spirit of my question. I just kinda expected FromSoft after making billions to put in some neat odds and ends features into Armored Core which is also near and dear to their hearts.

    I was immediately disappointed when there was no cockpit view but hey, it’s Armored Core, not MechWarrior.

  • They’re flags where you want to say you’re Republican but don’t want to be blue lives matter is how I know it colloquially in practice.

    Not quite as bad as the ‘Stars and Bars’, but I’ve only seen one type of person wear it. And they’re usually diehard exmilitary Republicans that like to shit on Democrats but play plausible deniability when you call them out on it lol.

    Edit: Most legit and cool military people I know just use their branch or company symbols. Army/Marine Globe/actual company patch etc.

  • Honestly that 80/90s scare did a doozy on most GenX/Millenial underlying mentals on how they treat or medicate. Medicine is literally medicine. Not a crutch, not something to be scared of. If you’re not scared of the literal food you eat or the water you drink, then you shouldn’t for meds either. It’s a necessary thing for us mostly because of scumbag genetics and probably some environmental conditions. I do hope you’re actually happy with either route you take.

    Yeah I’d still say I’m fairly stoic/quiet, but I at least have all my emotions now. I’m confident I used stoicism as a counter for the ADHD as a crutch for focusing. Unfortunately it was very much like going through life like the scene in Fight Club where the Narrator could barely hear his boss lol. Sure things mattered, I did stuff, but I didn’t really feel much of anything when going through the motions. I had good empathy for others, but not for myself. I just didn’t care about shit. However, I was never suicidal and never will be probably. Too scared of death and FOMO.

    These days? Have a toddler, another on the way sooner than later. I leak all the time watching shit lol.

    I’ve heard a good analogy before that so many of our emotions are like a filled glass of water. Someone with depression like mine always had the glass half full so unless some CRAZY amounts of stuff happened, the glass would never overflow. Others, it’s ALWAYS about to spill over. For most healthy people, it’s filled, but there’s still space at the top. Sad stuff should be able to make you sad and poignant things cry. Mad things shouldn’t let you be a dormat forever, but they shouldn’t instantly make you pop either. That glass has felt APPROPRIATELY full after meds.

  • FWIW it mostly depends on if you have anything else going on behind the scenes besides the ADHD.

    The biggest thing you can do is be completely honest with your GP and get a referral to a psychiatrist. I’ve always had great actual coping mechanisms for when shit really hits the fan. CBT was something I had already looked into myself and worked on. I’ve always been the person to have my life and shit together, but it took waaaay more effort than anyone realized since I mask -relatively- easily.

    It was pretty much immediately start medicine and go from there. Yeah, the antidepressants (SNRI/SSRIs) sucked ass and I’m no longer on 1st lines which is honestly the biggest issue people have with meds. I actually asked for Ritalin first since I heard about Adderall abuse, but Adderall >>>> Ritalin.

    I’ve pretty much always known I had it, my mom said teachers and my school said I had it, she refused to medicate anyway due to the 80/90s OVERMEDICATING CHILDREN hysteria. Wonders why I always had issues finishing stuff that wasn’t games. Oh hey, executive dysfunction is a thing!

    Got diagnosed as an adult @ ~30. Took about 2 years to get a decent medicine regiment since we were also treating some panic disorder due to being a functional alcoholic too. Mild-Moderate depression mostly manifesting in numb/stoicism with some GAD. FWIW Naltrexone OP for the booze. It’s cut my habit down by an extra $100/mo.

    No joke though, amphetamines are like day and night for me. Similar to Leilys above, the tiredness I used to feel from morning to night basically vanishes. While I do take ~6 pills, the only real ones I take for ADHD is a pretty high dose of Adderall or Vyvanse (generic please hurry the fuck up) and Clonidine for fidgeting and offlabel to help sleep. A huge part of the high dose was due to the alcoholism and a regular cocaine habit so I process it pretty quickly compared to most lol. Oh yeah, Naltrexone helped for that too. Haven’t had white in like a year?

  • Any Metroidvania is great. Almost any 2d game is great. Newer intensive 3d games are nice but the battery goes quick.

    The only issues I’ve had with the hardware is the pointer finger placements for the triggers are hard to use both on the same side if you use a game that makes use of both a lot.

    I do wish I waited a year for summer sale though. The 20% discount on the antiglare screen would’ve been cheaper than the mid tier I bought. I game way more outside now though with my toddler son when he plays in the yard. The mirror reflection is killer sometimes.