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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2022


  • If you’re messing with ACLs I’m not sure deduplication will help you much; I believe (not much experience with reflinks) the dedup checksum will include the metadata, so changing ACLs might ruin any benefit. Even if you don’t change the ACLs, as soon as somebody updates a game, it’s checksum will change and won’t converge back when everyone else updates.

    Even hardlinks preserve the ACL… Maybe symlinks to the folder containing the game’s data, then the symlinks could have different ACLs?

  • Setting up the PiHole device as a DNS server & DHCP server still won’t make all traffic flow through it, you need it to be a gateway for all traffic that isn’t destined for an internal subnet.

    To do that, you’ll need to set up your device as a router, with the necessary entries in iproute2 and iptables in order to keep lock out external connections without conntracks. You might be able to route to a turnkey container of some kind.

  • Are you trying to route your DNS queries through your VPN device or all of your traffic?

    Just your DNS queries is easy, set up the VPN as the default route for the device (using netplan or iproute2), then all queries from PiHole will go via that.

    All traffic is a bit harder, unless your PiHole device is the only thing between your regular devices and the internet.