Thank you so much! This is very true. You seem like a friendly bee too :)
I’m with you and appreciate the input. The thing is I have this hunch that if I were to have kissed him instead of taken his beer, and everything else stayed the same, he would have reacted extremely differently. Which means he was put off by something else, selective drink sharing-only germophobia, ego/masculinity, wanting to be the one to make moves, or any other myraid of reasons
Thank you for offering the more passionate support on this thread. I feel a lot better about it all after processing it some more. I totally agree it was the abrupt way he just dropped it that shocked me a little especially given how into our other interactions he seemed
Hahah before this encounter happened, I really had no idea just how controversial this question could be. Now I know and hopefully it helps someone else out there as well
Thank you for the compliment! It made me smile :) Sorry for the delay after recently traveling. You’re a cool bee too
That makes sense, thank you. I didn’t think of that and consider how things looked from his side. I keep wondering though, was there anything that could have been done to fix the situation once it happened?
I agree, thank you. That could’ve been a good opportunity to actually speak to him for the first time. I keep wondering though, was there anything that could have been done to fix the situation once it happened?
I appreciate it! I still see it from this angle too and those were my exact intentions, even though it was a bold move. Reading everyone’s input helps me feel less bad and consider new perspectives
This helps, thank you. I can see how he would have no way of knowing that type of behavior is not the norm for me and that I’m not carrying something contagious. It’s all very ironic because I myself tend to be mindful of germs but did that on a whim. I keep wondering though, was there anything that could have been done to fix this once it happened?
Thank you for the thoughtful comment and encouragement! Do you think there was anything that could be done to fix the situation once it happened? I’m a little worried how much it’s been on my mind since it happened a few nights ago but it is definitely improving with time. I think I’m just feeling lonely romantically nowadays
Thank you so much! I’m relieved to hear that you would have interpreted it as I had intended, an innocent flirty sign. It was really the first time I had done that and agree about the sanitation/safety factors. What should I have done to fix it after that happened, if any? For example, I keep wondering if it would’ve helped for me to apologize and clarify my intentions, and try to continue dancing with him. Or do you think he would see that as desperate? Do you think he thought I was an “easy” person without boundaries?
Don’t worry about it, thank you for sharing the perspective you gained from your experience. I am just now seeing the exchange below. It wasn’t my intention to create a controversial discussion, but I appreciate you both taking time to offer input.